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First Meeting With Madam Eva--Barovia

General Summary

You arrived at the village of Barovia with the trade caravan. Ilya was there to deliver a silver dagger to the hospice of Hala and was terrified out of his mind at the prospect of dealing with witches, so you promised to go with him as soon as you paid a visit to Madam Eva to deliver the ghost's tarokka deck. You made their way about a mile outside of town to Tser Falls, where the vardo wagons were circled.   Madam Eva was waiting for you outside her vardo, and she invited you inside, greeting you by name even though you hadn't introduced yourselves yet. You showed her the deck, and she said that she wasn't related to the ghost, but that a traveling carnival would be arriving within a week that had the ghost's niece as one of its members. There would be several Vistani there, but you would know the niece because she was "a seer with no sight, save the Sight." (This will surely be the beginning of a beautiful friendship that will last the rest of your lives!) She also told you that the Carnival had certain powers at its disposal, and if you delivered this deck, you might be able to ask a favor. Vanya, thinking of his soul, instantly asked what kind of favor; Madam Eva smirked and told him it wouldn't be as big a favor as he had in mind.   Before you left, Madam Eva said she had a gift for Rose. She went to a trinket box in the corner of her wagon and produced a silver ring], inlaid with opals in a flame-like pattern, explaining that Rose's grandmother had left it for her. Rose was flabbergasted and asked Madam Eva if she had known Rose's grandmother; Madam Eva said that no one could truly say they knew Rose's grandmother, but their paths had crossed. Rose, becoming excited, asked if she could have a reading to learn more about her family. Madam Eva said she could--and perhaps Vanya could, too, to get help with his predicament--but not until three days from now, when the moon was right. In the meantime, she suggested Rose visit Father Anton  at the local hospice of Hala to learn more. You'd been planning on going there with Ilya anyway, so this was a stroke of good luck.   Armed with this knowledge, Rose and Vanya set off for the village proper...

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Previous storyline--Werebats!--Barovia


First mention of Isolde and Madam Fortuna
Report Date
01 Aug 2020
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