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Kidnapped by Circus Folk!

General Summary

Putting last session and the session before in one place, because I never did write up the previous session despite having a month to do it.   You took Julien to Isolde and she asked for a chance to talk to him in private. Magda, the new fortune teller, wanted to talk to you. She explained (while the carnival furtively pulled up stakes) that after the incident with Madam Fortuna, Isolde had given the Skurra a choice: if they had any problem with Julien, they could leave freely and hunt him to their hearts' content, but anyone who stayed with the Carnival had to promise to leave him alone. Vanya was less than convinced by this, since he'd theoretically been protected by Carnival law when The Blade Brothers tried to kill him, but Magda insisted that it was different this time.   Magda offered to give you a tarokka reading about Julien's choice (to stall you), and it started out looking like she was just cold reading you ("it's going to be a reeeeally tough choice! Man, tough choices are tough!"). When she drew the Horseman for the long-term results, though, she panicked and tried to end the reading, You were having none of it, and she admitted that making the wrong choice could shatter a world.   At that point, Magda said she needed to get something, left the vardo, and locked the door. She called through it that Julien would be safe. You looked out to see the Carnival disappearing into the Mists. You were able to catch Magda's wagon, but the rest vanished. Rose summoned some fire elementals and had them burn the reins, which was a great idea in theory but caused the horses to bolt when neither of them got higher than a 6 on their Will save. Magda whistled up the Mists while the horses were bolting, and they were gone.   You got some personal effects of Magda's from her vardo so you could scry on her; you also got that tarokka deck you'd found way back in The Curse of Ashington Manor--Barovia, and Vanya vowed to burn it in front of her. The card representing the Dark Master looked exactly like the Gentleman Caller.   Rose meditated in the forest and got herself a new animal companion (leading to a lengthy out of character discussion about attachment theory, because i accidentally made the second round of toddies with half again as much rum as usual). While Vanya was in the inn, Eleanor Covington appeared at his doorway, growling and slavering; when he demanded to know what she wanted, she grated out "Trusted you," growled some more, and vanished.   You scried on Julien and saw him in what looked like Vorostokov (thanks to Vanya taking 20 on Knowledge: Geography). Lily, The Imp's mother, was applying Skurra face paint to him. He made eye contact with you and gave you a tentative smile. Since there's no quick way to Vorostokov (it's not part of the Core and the only Mistway is a) unreliable and b) back in Barovia), you decided that your best bet was to continue along your previous itinerary, since it would take you to Professor Pacali , who would know how to get to Carnival.

Related Reports

Previous session: Vanya's conversation with Pacali Next session: @vuch
Report Date
05 Feb 2024
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