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Preparing For the Treants--Hazlan

General Summary

Other than the fact that you're on wanted posters for destroying Iskander's box and stealing his valuable biological materials (said biological materials are also pictured, but in sexy adult form), this session was mostly planning. Time for a future tense session report!  
  • Speaking of permanency, Vanya knows that if the treants pour enough of their righteous wrath into this curse, it might become permanent and nigh unbreakable on its own. This is gothic horror. When someone or something gets cursed in gothic horror, they don't just get to wait a day or cast remove curse. They'd have to build in an escape clause, but it could be something as nasty as "until you cleanse the land of your corruption down to the last blade of grass."
  • The two most vocal members of the Circle we're Bloodoak (she/her), who seems to be the leader, and Witherleaf (he/him). Bloodoak wanted to kill everyone with a plague because there can't be any evil humans if there aren't any humans at all. Witherleaf wanted a single devastating attack on Sly-Var, less out of any concern for the innocent than because an instantaneous attack is harder to defend against and recover from than something gradual like a plague. Your plan is also going to fit that bill, so you're planning to focus on winning over Witherleaf.
  • You're planning to argue that 1) your plan targets only the spellcasters, and devastatingly so (whereas an earthquake targets everyone and a plague is likely to hurt the commoners more than the spellcasters), 2) it's instantaneous like Witherleaf wanted, 3) it allows Sly-Var to remain standing, so they can threaten to tap the rune again (whether or not they can make good on the threat with the dweomersink active) and can use it and its surrounding environs as base of operations that's incredibly hostile to magic; 4) it'll screw up divination so the wizards will have less of an idea of what's going on (including hopefully blowing up all the Eyes of Hazlik), and the mnemonic crystals will wreck their ability to retaliate with exactly the spells they want; 5) it doesn't interfere with spell-like abilities, so the treants are still fine (although they'd have to leave the dweomersink to do any druidic stuff 6) am I missing anything? Dang, this is a good plan.
  • You're hoping to send an animal messenger to Lalam, the woman without a mouth, so she can warn the commoners to stay away from wizards and Eyes of Hazlik when this goes down.
  • Rose can suggest this course of action and let it happen, but if she actively participates in casting the spell, she'll no longer be Blessed. Evil spells and curses both bring on powers checks, no matter how justified they are, and this is an evil curse spell! It's technically possible to try to regain the Blessed condition by taking the Test of Virtue feat, but you can't swap that for Blessed until you next level up; given that the game is probably going to wrap before you level up twice, it's a big deal even from a purely metagaming perspective.
There was a scene that I wanted to slip in before Skype crapped out to end on a proper cliffhanger, so I'm putting it here. Someone pushes a note under your door:   "I understand you helped a friend of mine. Leave here immediately. You're conspicuous, and the innkeeper will remember your faces. He's a decent man, but if you're found to have been staying here under his nose without him turning you in, his entire family will die, and as the offended party, Master Iskander will be permitted to use them first. No one is that decent.   Burn this."

Rewards Granted

Vanya lost one of his negative levels! Wooo!

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Report Date
28 Dec 2022
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