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Fiskvatn is a small fishing settlmenet in northern Sudureyja that was once domianted by the Fisk family. One of the few major settlements on the island, Fiskvatn acts as the second port of the island and offers a simple merchant and fishing economy. Its docks are also an important ferry hub to other islands in Aedrinar and beyond.


Fiskvatn is a largely Aedrinarian human settlement but it's marketplace attracts a diverse group of people.


Formally a minor Jarldom controlling the north of Sudurejya, the settlement is now a vassal of House-Oath Knee in Lastlight, and is governed by Thane Gully of Lastlight. The village is largely left to itself and realistically operates under the community leadership of Yindir Stornnskin.


Fiskvatn was once defended by House Fisk and its gangs of thugs. Since Fisk was ousted, these soldiers have been repurposed as a smaller contigency sworn to House Oath-Knee and still provide a sizeable law enforcement presence in the village. Fisks old manor can still serve as a small and defensible keep in the event of a raid or siege.

Industry & Trade

Fiskvatn is primarily a fishing and market village. Traders from inside Aedrinar travel to Fiskvatn to sell wares for shipping to Lastlight, and in turn ship dried fish and squid to their hometowns.


A small and simple village, the docks are basic but do provide docking for medium-sized ships such as ferries, longboats, and trading ships. A single lighthouse stands 45ft high and is built of local stone and burns and impressive pyre of flames from its top. There is one main road from the settlement, which connects to both the Northern Road to Fargenvur and the Mountain Pass to Lastlight.


Fiskvatn boasts a considerable number of shops, taverns, and institutions. Lobster Bay Markets on the dockside are simple, but do attract an eclectic group of people including a fire genasi known as Rasha who deals in magic items for a hefty sum of coin. There are two taverns; Yindir's Meadhall, a traditional longhouse dealing in locally sourced mead and ran by Yindir Storrnskin, a former cleric of Balder, and the Kraken's Bite, a simple and newly rebuilt tavern ran by Argir Tencoin after the Fisks were ousted. Other shops include Lady Sheller's Herboligist and Gords House of Boating. Despite its small size, there are three temples present. The Temple of Loki, the Temple of Thor, and the Temple of Aigir.

Guilds and Factions

Formally ran by the Fisk family and the Cult of Rangarok, both have been ousted and the settlement is firmly under the control of House Oath-Knee. The Priesthood of Loki is based in and around their temple.


A simple fishing village wedged between the River Yane and the Bay of Squids, the village has history of residence going back to the early second age. In 950, the village was taken oven by the Fisk family who became Jarls following the Jarl of Sudurejya being deposed in Lastlight by the merchant's council. The village was often a target of internal raids and clan feuds, and any invasion of the island would always begin in the area the village is now based.   In 1052, the village saw the Fisk family deposed and house Oath-Knee take control.


Fiskvatn has a traditional Aedrinarian nordic style with some larger modern buildings such as Fisk manor.


The village lies on the foothills of the Southern Mounts with a small collection of evergreen woodlands around it. The Aegirian plains, the tundra the settlement is built upon, are generally flat. Sudurejya's only major river, the River Yane, flows to the western side of the village and allows for longboat travel.
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Characters in Location
Appearances: 5
  • Session 7: Welcome to Fiskvatn
  • Session 8: A Grim Weave
  • Session 9: Fall of Fisk (The First Defenestration of Torgier)
  • Session 10: Good Deeds Bat Deeds
  • Session 11: The Past, A Present, and the Future


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