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Fargenvur is a small mining village in Northern Sudureyja. Once under the influence of Fisk, the village is now vassalised under Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee. A small and backwater settlement, the village is most known for its exports of ores to Lastlight and deep natural harbour. Cult of Rangarok, working under Fisk, had found the Southern Seal buried deep within one of the mines just outside the village.


Fargenvur is a small village composed of majority humans of Aedrinarian descent. A small population of halflings can be found within the village, whilst a clan of Duregar live in one of mines on the mountainside.


Fargenvur is ran by Thane Farrick Tahrigir, the brother of the now depsoed thane Roland Thairgir who was a known Fisk conspiracist. The village is ran as a feudal domain by the Thairgirs, but people are free to live their lives as they please.


Thaigir is remarkably undefended, prior to Fisk being deposed the village had a small asset of Thairgir warriors who were being paid directly by Fisk. Since the fall, 3 Oath-Knee guards patrol the village and work directly for Jarl Naerfi in Lastlight.

Industry & Trade

Farganvur has a small port, and its natural harbour in the Bay of Squids makes it suitable for large ship docking. The main industry is around mining in the ore rich mountainside of Mount Arwynir which is then transported to Lastlight for smelting and shipping. The village is supported by its fishing and small agricultural herding precense in the mountain footlands.

Guilds and Factions

Fargenvur was once ran by the Fisk Clan, but since Fisk was ousted from power it is under the control of the Oath-Knee clan. The Skallen once utilised underground tunnels to connect Lastlight to Fargenvur, where they would escape when the law got too tight or to smuggle goods and people in and out of the city.


Fargenvur was founded in the mid third era by the Thaingir family. Settlement has existed in the bay since time immemorial, but no long term or large settlements have stuck around. The sea cliffs around the city have long been inhabited by a beholder named Gobbledegook and its immediate offspring. The current resident of these cliff warrens is Gobbledegook Jr. Jr. Jr.   Prior to its founding, it is believed the Derro had an outpost in the area, perhaps as large as a small town. It is unkown when or why it was abandoned, but the prescence of  the beholder in the nearby caves does hint to the two being related.

Points of interest

Although small, the village boasts and impressive and ancient blacksmith. Thairgir Smithee is built on the remains of a much older and ancient forge dating back to the first age, and apepars to be of Derro origin. The village has one Inn, a traditional inn bought one generation ago by Tensie Happymead from the Thairgir family. Basic goods can be found in the Taveling Halfling Store, and hunting gear can be found at the Hill Giant's Tannery. The only religious site in the village is an old stone church to Surtur, where an impressive fire burns within.   On the outskirts of the settlement there mines, Irngir, Twinstone, and Sellenwyn. Irngir is by far the largest and is operated by the Thairgirs, whilst Twinstone is ran by a peaceful clan of Duregar called the Undersuns, who only number 30 members but have a small settlement within the mines composing of a tavern, a temple, an a trading depot. Sellenwyn mine is completely abandoned, and leads deep into the underdark.


The village has a traidtional nordic aesthetic and apperance with simple houses and buildings.


The village is based near a large natural harbour and bay within the large Bay of Squids on northern Suderjya. It is protected from its rear by the large and formidable Mt. Arwinyir. The tundra and perma-frost makes farming hard, and a lack of above gound fresh water sources means the settlement relies on snow water from the mountain and underground wells. The village is mainly based in general lowland on the sides of the mountain and has little variation within it.

Natural Resources

The village is Suderjya's largest source of iron, copper, and Arcanium ores. Terrasic Cod and Spear Fish can also be found within the village.
Location under
Appearances: 3
  • Session 4: The Southern Seal
  • Session 5: Gobbledegook
  • Session 6: Ghosts and Consquences


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