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Order of the Triangle

A secret society of mathematicians and logicians, the Order of the Triangle has an unclear history but is beleived to have been formed in either the late second age or early third age by Awakening Scholars of mathematics who were resdiscovering ancient artificing and scientific theories of the Marcians, Sun Elves, and Rexians. The Order of the Triangle, although a secret society, seems to be relatively harmless.   It is believed the order seek to prove that the mathematical power of the triangle governs the entire world, from magic to the divine and seek out like minded individuals to help in their research and technology to prove their points.   The Order is prone to multiple conspiracy theories about new world orders, occult coups, and apolocalpyse cult tendancies. From what is known, this is a complete fabrication and was spread by the Eldrian novelist Wat Grey and his poorly written "Triangular Code" novels.


Jameleskan Lodge

The Jotun city of Jameleska has a prominent lodge that recruited Einar during one of their carousing activities in the city.  


A lodge exists in the Aedrinaran capital of Odinsthrone as observed by Val. Their lodge is likely somehwere near the Thornstrom Bridge in the Kingshelm district.
Secret, Brotherhood
Appearances: 2
  • Session 66: Tales of Jameleska Pt.2
  • Session 108: Who Dunnit?


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