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Valentina "Val" "Vicious Val" "Valerie" "Valourant" Summerfrost

Val is a changeling born to an Ice Elf mother and doppelganger father capable of impressive levels of shapeshifting with numerous aliases and names. A rouge and warlock of Loki, Val is gifted with powers of persuassion and luck, gifted in martial prowress, spellcasting, and deception. Val has proven themselves to be a likeable but eccentric individual who knows everyone and has underworld connections around all of Aedrinar. In their short time with the party, Val has become a charming face and manipulator on the party's half, supporting them when needed but more than happy to fade into shadows when required. Although morally dubious, Val is happy to do the morally good thing but will endlessly complain about it in the process.   In their time with Doomed 2 Die, Val has revealed their sensitive and religious side, and formed a strong friendship with Azura in the process. Val has also formed close relationships with the party's companions, becoming a guardian of Roach and a closer friend of Ivar . They also impressed Auran the warforged when they met.   Val's identity as a changeling was revealed following their time in the Alternate Universe created by Primus. Val had previously only disclosed this information to Roach, with Falia and Gallus figuring it out with clues from Val along the way. Ivar would eventually be told of this identity during events in the Western Hold, and at first reacted with confusion as he did not know what a changeling was.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a branch of the Summerfrost family in Southern Asrinheim, Val had affliations with both Ysgard's Warriors and the Skallen Syndicate before becoming a famous arena fighter and evnetually won a longship they renamed The Lyre's Tongue. After recieving a message from an estranged family member they were instructed by Loki to go find the Doomed 2 Die party and aid them in their fight against Ragnarok. Becomming a Jomsvikingr assigned under the command of Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee, Val sailed to the Commonwealth to find her new mission.   Born to the Tyris Ren branch of the ancient and fallen house Summerfrost, one of the 13 great houses of Asrinheim, Val was raised to be a theif and criminal by their Skallen Syndicate parents. At a young age, Val commited their first murder to defend their twin sibling, Trixie. Their twin was plagued by painful visions and diviniation abilities so took solace within the town's temple of Loki. Val's time with the skallen, and his family, would end when they left their cousin Antonio behind on a heist to be captured by guards.   Before going completely into exile and being hunted down by other memebers of the Summerfrost Skallen, Val snuck into the temple of loki to say goodbye to Trixie. In the process, they stole acolyte robes and pretended to pray and medidate, accidently contancting Loki who found Val's stunts humerous and gave them a warlock pact.   Escaping to the Southern Hold, Val became a pickpocket and thief. In Halgafjar, they stole from a band of Ysgard's Warriors led by the dwarven warrior Torvak Silveraxe and his companions Steinar and Elfrey the Godswitch. Seeking to return a portrait of Sven the Godslayer † taken from Elfrey's pruse, Val was caught. Torvak took the abandoned changeling in and began to recruit them to the warriors - angering Steinar and Elfrey who left them.   Val's time in the warriors was not welcoming as many looked down on the changeling for their past life of crime, but Torvak mentored and beleived in them. The dwarven warrior also informally adopted Val, but approval from the house head in Axehall would never be completed. Torvak, Val, and their party would be ambushed by Skallen Syndicate brigands in the eastern hold. Although most of the party were killed instantly, Val and Torvak were taken back to camp. Torvak was tortured and left to die without a wepaon in his hands, Val escaped and could only place a butter knife in his hands, and was unsure if this technically ensured him entry to Valhalla.   The warlock abandoned their duties as a warrior and saught revenge on Torvak's killers - travelling the country to hunt them down, leaving only a butterknife on the bodies and becoming a folk legend known as 'the butterknife killer.' During the killing spree, Val was captured by the Warriors who took him back to Pilgrim's Rest to answer for abandoning their post. Steinar, now underchief, rigged the trial and accused her of Gross Dishonour, murder of innocents, illegal declaration of a blood feud as legally, Val had no right to the Silveraxe name, amongst numerous minor charges. Val was spoken to by Elfrey, who convinced him, either by magic or persuassion, to accept guilt and take exile over a long trial as to not sully the memory of Torvak.   Val accepted the deal and was exiled from the warriors but continued their crime spree- concluding in 1043, 3e and 'retiring' to Winterharbour to become an entertainer and fighter. In Winterharbour, Val became a tournament favourite and met Ivar Lothgarssen for the first time striking up a friendship with the wandering vikingr. Val would leave winterharbour in late 1052 after recieving word from her twin that they were involved in a prophecy to stop rangarok and fight alongside "those destined for death."   The warlock won a longship called The Lyre's Tongue in a tournament and set out to Lastlight to join Ivar and answer Naerfi's call for Jomsvikingr to sail with her to rescue Doomed 2 Die.

War of the Walls Arc

After joining Doomed 2 Die in Ceannastra, Val proved to be eccentric and struggled at first to earn Azura's affections. During the journey, they slowly won Einar over, and on their later journey to Jameleska they slowly earned the trust of Shan and Azura. In Rosethorpe, Val flitred with dockmaster Lt. Braer and earned the party key information, and began to aid the Worker's Union. During their investigation, they were horrified to learn the Skallen of the city had broken ranks with the syndicate's rules and begun practicising slavery. In the choice between Alana and Salia Rose, Val eventually agreed to help Horsha Lenn and Alana. They tried to warn the Worker's Union but could not convince them to flee, but was given Roach to take care of.   Val would eventually tell roach the truth of how the worker's union came down, and although this upset the young elf Roach had earned enough respect for Val to only be mad for a short period. Alongside Ivar, Val has had the most involvement with the young theif's new upbringing.   Val was happy to help the Order of St Tara find Paladin Shor, and was impressed with the Kobolleseum. Both he, Shan, and Azura fought with Fjandmar, "The Crimson King" and won their battle. They were later instrumental in defeating the Relentless Juggernaught of Loviatar, as their eldritch blasts from Loki halted the beast's healing ability.   In Storbaer, Val and Azura worked closely together to use their Skallen knowledge to help bring the rouge branch down. Val was angered to be betrayed by Ashana Veer, and detonated a fireball from their necklace of fireballs in the room, nearly sacrificing their party in the process but taking down the Skallen troops. Val was impressed by Roach when clearing out the dungeon when the young ice elf killed their first man.   Val was likewise keen to help Archbishop Golblade clear out the undead from the crypts, and was intrigued by Pennatrice's counter-offer of helping to steal the Paladin's Gem. Val later turned on Pennatrice to protect the crypts and save Einar, shooting Pennatrice. Val was inducted into the scouts, and was the only person to land a direct shot on The Snow Lord. Val helped civilians escape, and managed to calm Lady Eris Snowflower enough to learn of the gifts of Varpak.   During the masqurade ball, Val initially went in an elengant fox costume, but changed halfway through to copy Einar's look as a joke, causing much confusion. During this ball, Val met again with Pennatrice, the two made "love and peace" over their encounter in the crypts in a broom closet. When the Skallen attacked the ball, Val helped to take down Ashana Veer and the thugs with Pennatrice's help.   On the mission to Eagle Falls, Val was amongst the first to retreat in the failed first assault. During the second attack, they were responsible for blowing up the dungeon by sacrificing their necklace of fireballs. Val had some awkward conversations with Heli over their tendancy to throw themselves in danger.   In Storonthorpe, Val was pleased to meet the rebels, and battled with Gallus for the attentions of Deputy Cass, much to the fighter's annoyance but Val's glee. Val was present when the snow lord foiled the ambush, and convinced Reeve Mester to retreat. Val informed the Reeve of his connection to Varpak, and was panicked to learn that Heli had been captured alongside their other companions, with only Ivar escaping. Upon returning from their hiding place in the Shadowfell, Val orchestrated the plan to rescue the companions, and successfully led to the death of the Boulder Jarl and defeat of the Jotun in Storonthorpe.   Val went with the party to the Basilisk Library, and at the door of secrets confessed they confessed they did not have long to live, leaving hints they may not be a 'true' Ice Elf. He did not take a side when deciding whether to unlock verses of Rangarok or save Ivar's father, and instead stayed with Roach whilst Einar decided. In Astergor, they largely ignored archivist vrath, remaining hidden at first till quitely asking them if he had any books on parenting. She also played a key role in brokering peace between The Blizzard Maiden and The Snow Lady.   In Theygor, Val heard Azura confess they wanted to live forever, and he also accompanied the wizard in obtaining sleeping potions. In the Tundra Baron's jarlshall, he helped break corporal Johnson out of jail and got Brombo the arsonist free. In Fasingos the warlock struggled to hit the demilich form of Lich King Gryllfagor but got a few lucky shots, and with the help of their party managed to down the undead monstrosity, and remained neutral on Azura taking Crown of Thorns.   Before the Battle of Jastingrag, Val told Falia Rayes what they had learned about the essences of varpak, warning the ranger to stay out of the giants way or they might get eaten. In the battle, Val battled through the city with the rest of her party, and he witnessed Heli die to the hands of the Snow Lord, but helped the party come out victorious once again.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

Val was happy to go along with the party's plan to help her old friend Fjandmar defeat Aphrodisia in Gehenna. During his time in Jameleska, Val and Roach undertook a daring heist of a casino fundraiser on behalf of Pennatrice, escaping with their share of the gold. Val also attended the Rayes family dinner, defending Falia throughout the exchange and being angry at Amidrillia for her dissmissiveness of the archer. Val later appeared to Amidrillia disguised as her late husband, Maethir, at her window at night to scare her.   In the feast thrown for the heroes of the war, Val helped Roach, with Falia's guideance, cause an allergic reaction in Alana Rose as revenge for the killing of the Worker's Union in Rosethorpe. During the final party, Val taught Prince Haakon about disguises and coined the alter ego of 'Harriet' for him to practice with. Val also flirted with Gallus and Falia throughout the night.   After the party's arrival in Gehenna, Val was excited to meet Fjandmar again, inviting Gallus and Falia to dance on stage. She agreed to find a means to hide the cambion from divination, going to the Mad Mage's Mansion. In the mansion, Val used their charisma to calm John Kommenian long enough for Einar to use a greater restoration to cure the archwizard's madness and restore sanity. When they found a mortally wounded Mertion Hampton, Val was displeased at Azura for choosing to spare his life as she blamed him for the death of her cousin, Killyn †.   In their first night in the Briar and Brimstone, Val slept in a room with Roach. They also began reading them a book they took from John Kommenian's magical mansion on Gwenyddian fairytales, teaching roach the mythic origins of changelings. They would later loan this book to Gallus, allowing the fighter to figure out Val's true lineage.   On their mission to defeat the Orthon on behalf of Titos, Val would meet Clay for the first time where the two telepathically exchanged information and visions.   In Corriegrave, Val spent time with Falia in the room of memories where they discussed crushes and who in the party was 'fit' before going to meet with Math Mathonway. Val would also convince Aungus to return to the divine realm, reuinting the fallen avatar with his god.   Val was the most eager to attend the dance being hosted by Kaneis, and joined the mission to rescue his star performer, Starry Hyles, from devilish imprisonment. To the actual dance, Val went with Ivar where the two would dance with each other and breifly flirt and mess with each other throughout the night. Val would speak to Falia after Gallus asked them to the dance, saying they don't blame them for choosing Gallus and she's perfectly used to 'being in love with her friends.'   Throughout their time in Gehenna, Val was relied on to use their wits, rogueish abilities, and skills at disguise to collect assets and allies on the way. Val was instrumental in recruiting Clay to Fjandmar's cause, and getting the party easily into Hundvar's tower without any battles until fighting the arcanoloth. They also disguised themselves as Hundvar with Clay's help, getting the party into the room of names to scrub Fjandmar's identity from the multiverse.   In the fight with the relentless juggernaught of Loviatar, Val managed to get one of the succesful kills on the creature before it absored the health of its minions. Val would hold Gallus as they passed out from theri wounds from he Juggernaught in his arms before being saved by Einar.   In the final fight, Val insulted Aphrodisia and Ultragon, and succesfully eldritch blasted the pair several times during the battle.  

The White Will Arc

With their adventures concluded in Gehenna, Doomed 2 Die travelled back into the Astral Sea upon Azura's suggestion to travel to Mechanus to seek answers on Ragnarok. Whilst the Endeavour refeulled at a nearby start, Val took shore leave at a small mining outpost in the twilight zone of a tidally locked planet. Here they met Captain James Tovos and had a threesome with the illusive spaceman and Ivar. They uncovered James' plot to smuggle himself on their ship to escape debt collectors, and was shocked to see him shot by Giff thugs and return to life a minute later. They took Tovos on board the endeavour as they entered mechanus.   Val was accepting of Primus's view on the unvierse and fate, and was annoyed at Shan's questioning of it which prompted the entire party to be placed into an alternate reality where they were never destined to fight Ragnarok. Val's fate in this universe was harsh but they lived openly as a changeling, and when they were returned to reality via the intervention of an alternate version of Roach, the whole party was now fully aware of Val's true race.   Back in Lastlight, Val was shaken by the experience and appreciated the distraction and Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee's offer of a free mansion in the city if they cleared out the supposed ghosts within. Val was sympathetic to the goblin drug growers hiding in the attic and posing as spirits and let them flee after breifly considering making them work for him instead. Val tried some Dragonweed alongside Einar, Gallus, Shan and Falia.   With the group travelling to The Western Hold, Val said goodbye to his dear friend and co-parent of Roach, Ivar, who was sent ahead with his own ship The Boneless to meet with Lugar Whitehide at the Seal Clan's winter camp. Val would captain the Lyre's Tongue to the port of Knut's Landing where they ran to the rescue of Ahbadin Mustfazi who was under attack by The Dragon Clan.   Returning to the Western Hold for the first time since their murder spree concluded 9 years prior, Val showed signs of pulling away from the party beggining and argument with Azura in the Kings Rest Inn in Knut's Landing over the death of their cousin, Killyn †. Val was, however, warm towards Fr. Tomos Siegfried upon thier meeting recalling his apperance in one of his twin's visions and liking the priest's rebellious nature towards authority.   The rogue also befriended a band of local kids, and was amongst the first to promise aide upon learning the group had gotten lost in Southwatch-by-the-Sea during the feast of King Knut. Within the ruins of the ancient Coldstar fortress, Val soothed and calmed the lost children as they battled undead horrors spawned by the Coldstar Wraiths.   When The White Will attacked Knut's Landing at the conclusion of the feast, Val ran to the Askebarrow to rescue Thane Liv Thorsblade alongside Gunnar Ulssen and Roach. Val battled with a frost salamander and mephits to rescue Liv using their teleportation abilities and took the injured thane back to the markets where they saw the Seal Clan's arrival.   The White Will had moved from his attack on the temple, where he nearly killed Gallus and Einar, and began to attack the docks where the Lyre's Tongue was moored. Val ran to the docks alongside a polymorphed Shan, Ivar, Gallus, Einar, and Lugar Whitehead. Battling with the White Will, Val's eldritch blasts nearly killed the beast before it fled, making sure to destroy a tower Falia Rayes was standing atop of before he left. The tower collapse killed the archer, who was only saved by a revivfy of Fr Tomos Siegfried.   Travelling with the refugees north to the Winter Seal camp as Lugar had offered to house those the town could no longer support, Val came across the homestead of Andursthorpe. Disgusing themselves as Dragon Cultist, they spoke to the local homestead, Andurs Andurssen, and only dropped the facade when it was realised they could reason with the villagers. They convinced them to leave their home and had Oba Obassen the Unkillable stay behind with Andurs to defend the homestead from the dragon's return.   Val had a flashback to their final murder when the group found the destroyed settlement of Kingstones. They did help Gallus with assembling a pyre for the dead before moving on. Whilst scouting ahead with Shan and Roach, Val came across an abandoned camp where they came across the dead bodies of 4 Ysgard's Warriors and several Western Skallen members. This sent them into a stress and trauma response as their form reverted to the body they took as a member of the warriors and they wandered into the snows. Chased down by the rest of the party, the group were ambushed by the Dagurrssen's and their thugs who threatened to kill Roach if the party did not drop their weapons. Val waited till the last second to do so, scaring everyone else.   Whilst captured, Val did nothing but laugh in the face of the dagurssens as part of their trauma response and was amblivious to events until a member of the cell reported he was a spy for the Black Fox and had sent for reinforcements. Mr. Blake would arrive to rescue the group, and after having his bodygaurd Draxix cover the eyes of the party he unleashed a deady acidic attack on those gathered outside the Dagurssen fort. With the majority of skallen dead, Blake uncovered Val's hood and addressed them by their birth name of Valentina.   Val was thankful to Blake, whose appearance and attitude managed to shake them out of their initial reaction, and was told how to deal with the rest of the cells by the illusive crime lord. Upon entering the dungeons, Val found the soul survivor of the attack on the warriors, Erika, but when going to free them Erika opened their eyes and tried to choke Val out using only her legs. Val was released after Gallus intervened and convinced Erika they were not members of the Skallen.   Sneaking through the keep, Val slaughtered every member of the guild they came across, being sure to leave butterknifes on the body of each one. This clued Erika into Val's identity, but when Val explaiend why they killed the people they did, Erika stopped their shunning action and continued to help the warlock kill the criminals. Val's actions, including the murder of the injured and their medic, alarmed and concerned the party - especially Gallus who would later inform Ivar of what happened.   Ivar reacted negatively to the events, especially the endangerment of Roach, and the two had an argument and breifly fell out. Val continued to remain distant from the party throughout this time, getting tired of being told to 'get help' but nobody actually offering to help her. Val was moody on the entire ride to Jameleska to find the white will's secrets, and only opened up when travelling to Rorisgrad when the Frog of Truth hypnotised the party. Val would be paralysed by the carrion crawlers in the worm tunnels, and was eventually freed by Fr Tomos using lesser restoration, but was again put into trauma as they had to watch their friends struggle against the beasts, reminding them of their recent flashback to the death of Torvak and their companions in Ysgard's Warriors.   Within Rorisgrad, Val found and took a dagger of Lich King Gryllfagor, secretly attuning to the cursed item. After fending off a Remorhaz, Val entered the frostfell portal within the ruins and spoke to The Huntress, who revealed the White Will's true identity as her son and traitor to the pack. Val secured a deal where the Mask of the White Dragon would be given to the party if they killed the traitor and returned his head to her.   Val began to relax upon returning to Jameleska but did nearly cause an argument with Erika whilst handling the dispute between the Worker's Union and the War Smiths. The tension was smoothed over by Shan who restored the errant warrior's faith in the group and calmed Val down. Val also entered a business arrangement with Falia using Mr Blake's backing to claim ownership of the Worm Caverns to open a mithral mine down the line.   Travelling to Bard's Folly under Erika's lead to retrieve the second half of the stone of queen astrid and find the location of the lost Dragonlance - Val was not amused by Shada's antics within the folly. The initially took the Path of Song with Einar, who had returned from the shadowfell after a brief hiatus and retraining as a paladin, and the two used their charisma to put on a show for the illusions and resolve their conflicts, passing the test. In the second part, Val took the path of memories with Erika and Einar and relived some of their more traumatic moments, as Erika realised she and Val shared similar tragedies, with Val helping Erika realise her mentor Elfrey had absued and groomed her into a cultish mentality.   With the stone secured, Val sent Erika, Fr Tomos, and Falia to Westwatch to report in with the warrior's outpost and get access to the first half of the stone which was in the guild's possession. Whilst leading the group to Kulvrsford to meet with Haarold Iceaxe and recruit him and his army to fight the elemental monsters of the White Will, they were again approached by Mr Blake who asked for the party's assistance in helping members of the Western Skallen escape Haarold's crusade against them. Val accepted but had to argue their cause to Gallus and Einar, who were hesistant of the plan.   Meeting with the famed Golden Boar, Haarold Iceaxe, Val impressed the famous general by his honest opinions on Haarold's brother, King Hardrada. This opened up Haarold to accepting Val's proposal to organize a truce between the Skallen and Haarold so the warrior could focus on fighting the White Will like he really wanted. Val took Haarold's proposal to the Skallen's leader, Sven Forkbeard, who accepted and offered his life as tribute. He died honourably in battle against Haarold.   After this, the will again attacked with his forces. Val fought for their life and saw Roach go down in the fight whilst hidden. After the combat, they were scared they had nearly died but shocked to discover they had innate magic that had emerged from the cold damage induced. Val also saved Einar's life when the bard was nearly killed by the assault of frost breaths.   Returning with an injured party to Westwatch, Val journeyed to Coldstar keep to meet with the Dragon Council. In the halls they saw the gatherered experts and warriors - Hoffa of the archaelogist's guild, Starkard Wintershield, Lugar Whitehide, Thane Liv, and her old enemy from the warriors, Elfrey the Godswitch. Elfrey outted Val, and revealed the source of their information being a beaten and bloodied Erika. The entire hall would turn their backs in the traditional shunning action of Aedrinar bar Jarl Earling Horfhand, Starkard, Lugar, and Thane Liv.   The Jarl dismissed the guests and advised Val needs to resolve the situation with the warriors in order to progress with their quest. He advised they speak with Starkard alone and plot what to do next. Ivar was unapproving of dealing with a Wintershield, but was sent to the mead stores whilst the party and the Winter-Shield wizard discussed what to do. Starkard said they had three options on how to rescue their friends, deal with elfrey, and redeem Val's 'honour' in the eyes of hte Westwatch public.
  1. Wait for Haarold Iceaxe to return - his reputation and authority as the king's spokesman would force Elfrey's hand however he was unlikely the be discriminating in how dies
  2. Mr Blake was in town, he would easily dispatch the warriors but the favour may cost something
  3. Convince Jarl Earling to accept Wintershield aid, 29 Wintershield Berserkers were stationed in Menkelstead awaiting orders to advance - if they secured a Horfhand Wintershield alliance Starkard would ensure his warriors used the ancient rites to defend Val's questioned honour.
Val eventually opted with the Wintershields, although trusting Mr Blake, he was unsure about the bystander deaths that would ensue. Val would convince the Jarl to accept Starkard's help and the bersekers left Menklestead and would arrive within the next few hours. Whilst they waited, Val and Roach scouted out the Ysgard's Warrior outpost, posing as Killyn. They accidently came across Elfrey, who saw through the disguise and a short battle ensued before they could escape.   When the berserkers finally arrived, Starkard marched them on the warrior's outpost drawing the attention the sleeping town. Loudly he announced that House Wintershield recognized Val as a warrior and were here to defend his honour in the old rites against Elfrey's accusations. Whilst the Wintershield commander spoke on his behalf, Starkard cast the Mislead spell and snuck up behind Elfrey, using a dispel magic to destroy her enchantment tiara. A battle then ensued as Doomed 2 Die chased Elfrey in to the dungeon and engaged her in battle. Val ran to rescue his companions whilst Gallus dealt with Elfrey. When the witch died, Val was unremorseful and glad, helping Erika deal with the pain of the godswitch's betrayal.   The task was only half complete - as the stone of astrid still needed to be reconnected to find the Dragonlance, Val needed to clear his name, and a discovered Dragon Clan infiltration of Pilgrim's Rest needed to be stopped. With trepidition Val marched on Pilgrim's Rest. Taking a short break in Heroes Stop on the way, Val and Ivar had an honest and frank conversaion after she revealed to him he was a changeling. Ivar was at first confused but accepted this, and the two began to mend their rift. Before leaving for Pilgrim's Rest, Ivar, Falia, and Roach stayed at the inn and Val gave him a kiss before departing.   At Pilgrim's Rest, Val was glad to see some of her old friends such as Magnus the Trusted and was touched by the statue of Torvak outside the grand hall. Inside, she found Steinar and other key members of the guild waiting. The whole chamber turned their back before Val demanded a renewed trial to settle the facts - Steinar and the party argued as Gallus spoke loudly in Val's favour, touching the warlock. The proceedings were interrutped by the arrival of Sven the Godslayer † who dismissed Steinar from the court and took the petition instead. Sven was cutting to Steinar and his followers, and was clearly supporting Val when a near death Organvor enter the chamber, informing everyone the Dragon Clan infiltrators had slaughtered a trainer and some recuits then broken through the gates to the peak of Mount Valhalla.   Sven took the party and their companions, Erika and Fr Tomos, with him to fight the clan against Underchief Steinar's protests. On the mountain, Val faced down with Eva and her agents, helping to dispatch some of them before the arrival of The Piper turned the battle around. Val dimensioned doored to the head of mimir and took him, running away. The piper specifically targetted Val and retrieved the head, and downing the warlock in the process. In the aftermath of the battle, Val was healed up by Einar and Tomos and escorted Sven at the front of the pack with Einar and Gallus to Pilgrim's Rest.   On the way Sven probed Val on his opinions about Erika. Val and the others defended Erika, praising her honour, passion, and skill. Sven accepted this and hinted to Val to accept a trial by combat and to have Erika use the Rite of Claimance to take his position of Warchief to restore the warriors to honour and good fortune. After a catnap spell cast by Hella Greenhands, Val probed Erika to ask her how she would handle Val's case and was satisfied with the young warrior's answer, so went ahead with the plan and demanded a trial by combat.   During the trial, Val was able to kill Steinar, who begged for forgiveness and confessed his fear of dying, losing whatever small respect Val had for him. She also encouraged Erika to take the right of claimance and was the first to kneel and honour 'Warchief Erika Ulfsdottir.' Erika pardoned Val, and said they were welcome to rejoin the warriors whenever they wanted. Val helped Erika adjust to their new role, whilst Azura, Shan, and Einar attended the warriors's archives for the other half of the stone of queen astrid, revealing the location of the Dragonlance in the buried Cave of the Golden Wyrm.   With his name cleared, Val began to fully process the events of the past week. When returning to Heroes Stop, Ivar did not mention the kiss, but Falia and Gallus conspired to have them share a room with only one bed the way they had been in Gehenna. Val caught onto their plan and faked noises of activity before the two awkwardly went to bed. The following morning, Val lead the return to Westwatch and helped recruit Hoffa and the archaeologists guild to excavate the cave of the Golden Wyrm.   In the cavern, Val claimed a chest of gems as part of the adventurer's loot, and disturbed what they thought were piles of gold but turned out to be a hoard mimic. In the short battle that ensued, Val was grapped by the hoard mimics twice and was spared when Gallus managed to succesfully communicate with them telepathically. Val struck a deal that Einar would be the custodian of the hoard and forced Hoffa to accept this new deal.   Travelling to the face the White Will with her fellow adventurers, Falia, and Fr Tomos, Ivar, Erika, Roach and the Wintershields were sent into the elemental factory within the white will's lair, with Ivar giving Val a kiss before departing. Val managed to find the frozen body of Oba Obassen, who had been killed at Andursthorpe and because of his valiant batle had been frozen and taken as a trophy.   Battling the white will in their final confrontation, Val was hit a few times but managed to use their eldritch blasts to nearly kill the monster, and gave Falia an opening to kill the dragon for good. Following the fight - Val returned to Westatch, closing the chapter with a night of passion with Ivar and Erika.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

Important: As of arc 7, player character personal history sections will not long contain detailed descriptions of the entire arc. Going forward, these sections will only cover character specific events and discoveries. Please read Doomed 2 Die for more precise information not relating to character events.
Through the party's quest to save Arystyr Furyborn from assassination attempts - Val would build a complicated mentorship with the House Furyborn heir, meet with the Red Daggers, and ultimately be the key force in defeating The Dark Enchanter.   Val became highly involved in the power struggle within Kriegerholm. Tricking the Krigerholm nobles attending King Hardrada's feast in Odinsthrone to sailing on The Lyre's Tongue. Alongside Fr Tomos, Val was able to uncover the truth of the attacks and used his neutral vessel as a guise of handing Thane Blann Saltsby over too the Wolf Clan. Val later supported Thane Gier Warpelt at the moot.   At the feast, the changeling warlock managed to broker a peace between Jarl Olaf Dragontooth and the king, and would later bond with Hardrada and Elder Tiristar Furyborn† - seeing through their 'masks.'   Whilst in Odinsthrone, Val would meet several times with Mr. Blake, firstly for information on Arystyr's assassins and secondly for personal information on Tyris Ren. Alongside Gallus, Val attempted to infiltrate House Springfasts mercenary group, an enemy of the Furyborns, but ultimately decided the lead was unfullfilling and likely a red herring.   In Krakenpost, Val managed to safe both Arystyr and Aera Furyborn from the changeling assassin Never and when the assassin had moments of lucidity, Val managed to meld with them and learn of the corrupted Mask of the Primal Elves.   Whilst travelling to the funeral of Elder Tiristar, Val hypothesised the mysterious psionic stranger they had been encoutner was in fact the legendary warrior Zedithir, whome they had met in the alternate reality created by Primus. They confirmed this by shapechanging into their approximation of Zedithir before a bandit they suspected of being attacked by the warrior - the Skallen brigand's reaction confrimed Zedithir was on the island.   At Elder Tiristar's funeral, Val would protect Arystyr from the assassination attempt at the funeral until Dirthstone revealed himself as The Dark Enchanter. She managed to protect the new elder until reinforcements led by Zedithir arrived. The following day he recieved a package from The Piper containing a dead changeling. Touching the clay like corpse, Val saw the soul's last moments and learnt the Piper had unleashed a serial killer in Tyris Ren to kill a changeling every three days, leaving Trixie for. Val also investigated how the package came to them, and discovered the Vanguard of the Dragon Clan and defeated the Whip. He would also fill in for Snowblossom at the Night Circus to great applause.   During the siege of Marthiel, Val helped Arystyr write a letter to Haarold Iceaxe, calling on him to honour the alliance between the Iceaxes and Furyborns. They also encouraged Azura to send word to Erika and ask for members of Ysgard's Warriors to help the party.   He would be left with Gallus, Zedithir, Roach, and Einar when Shan and Azura vanished into the Feywild. This left the warlock to lead the remainder of their party in the gruelling battles to come. They managed to defeat the paladin Halsir, and infiltrated Banestorm Keep, learning of Olisander's tragic past and decided to impersonate his long deceased wife. By doing this, she managed to get through the war hero and he managed to dismiss his 'contigency plans' and by detonating his staff of the magi, he forced the dark spirit inhabiting the mask to become a weakened shade like entity that was easily defeated.   In the aftermath of the battle, Val recieved a dream visit from Mr Blake and learnt the danger in both Northern Asrinheim and Tyris Ren was growing. Val also pushed for the party to help find the missing Cassie Rayes and was amongst the first to suspect the Order of Labelas of misleading the adventuring parties in the village. When confronting the High Librarian, Val attempted to decieve the indoctrinated archivist but was ultimately cast through time like the rest of the party and ended up in the Abyss in the near future before being rescued by Loki, Sleipnir, and Fjandmar.

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Val never abandoned her cousin during the heist which saw him exiled from the Summerfrost Skallen. Val became a high ranking member of the organization and openly travelled as a changeling during this timeline, often going by the name Teeny or Tina. They would arrive in Fargenvur after being asked to come by Killyn. They would hear the explosion of the southern seal and go to investigate, arriving in time to find Killyn, Naerfi Oath-Knee, Torgier, and Torvak's bodies being dragged out from the ruins. Val met a disguised form of Fjandmar in the aftermath and heard the cambion swear vengeance on Fisk.   Val was later approached by the alternate reality version of Roach, who could see Val's trueform with truesight. Val was indifferent to Roach, with the rogue having to bribe them with an illusionary bag of coins to reveal what they found at the top of the southern seal. Val confirmed to Raoch it was the bodies of Torgier and his party. Roach mourned that they were too late, then realised who Val was and said they'd meet again.   Val continued to rise in ranks within the Skallen, and in the wake of Naerfi Oath-Knee's death went on a robbery spree around Lastlight. Val was returnign to Lastlight to secure a new countraband trade route with the syndicate there when they found the city destroyed. Investigating, he came across the dead body of Orginvar ⸸ and seeing his last words of "Jormagandur" scribed onto stone with his blood. Val also saw the alternate form of Roach again as she looted the body of Fr. Tomos Siegfried, searching for his arcane runes. Roach told Val to spend time with Trixie.   The changeling crime lord took the advice and spent time with their twin. The two were forced to take sanctuary in Thevensyne, where they met the alternate form of Gallus. Asrinheim was being devestated by Fenrir, and during one final attack, the alternate form of Zedithir warned Gallus and Val that "they weren't quite right" and didn't belong here. In the aftermath of Fenrir's attack, Trixie had been killed. Val agreed to go with Roach to reset the timeline.


Val is considered the most flirtatious of the party, and has had romantic connections with various NPCs such as Lt Braer, Pennatrice, and attempted to woo Deputy Cass.



Companion (Important)

Towards Val




Ally (Trivial)

Towards Ivar




Ivar and Val have both alluded to a shared history of knowing each other in the past before joining with the party. The exact nature of this relationship is unknown, but given both of their "tastes" assumptions can be made.


Surrogate Child (Vital)

Towards Val




Accidental Parent (Important)

Towards Roach




Val helped Roach mourn the loss of the Worker's Union, and was honest and frank with them when the truth was revealed. Val looks out for Roach and teaches them thief skills whilst trying to keep them out of harm in battles.

Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 36, Shadow Over Ynnsmouth
Date of Birth
18th Duskfall
Usually Purple and Green
Usually Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Usually Pale White
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Do I need to talk to them about Eugenics?" Val about their elven child
"Stabby McMoobs" Regarding the Nilfashnee
"Things will either work or they won't so you should just do."
"At the end of the day, Loki's help is worthless."
"This sure looks like a door."
"I don't run, it makes you sweat."
"I'm just going to pull Loki out of my cleavage."
Aligned Organization


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