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The Wraiths

The eternal boogeymen of the astral sea, the Wraiths are a non-organic hive-mind of incredible arcane and technological ability. Little to nothing it known about this species, even their name is simply a code-name the galactic community has granted the metallic lifeforms. Private, secretive, and exceptionally powerful - all star sailors do their best to avoid this illusive race.   Many theories have been floated about the Wraiths and their origins. Dragon Guard Araxys theorised they were a living metal that simply assimilated the knowledge and experiences of other non-organic entities they found, but the wraiths themselves have revealed nothing.

Basic Information


The true form of the Wraiths is unknown. Deductions made by Azura, Captain James Tovos and artificer Xan hypothesises they were literally living and evolving metal. In battle with Doomed 2 Die, they were capable of shifting their bodies and minds to adjust to various scenarios. The metallic wires found throughout The Endeavour also appeared alive, and when the feather of The Morrigan was used on it, it revealed a complex object - hinting this may be an extension of the wraiths themselves.   The primary form of the wraiths is of humanoid constructs. Doomed 2 Die encountered various types of these constructs, some capable of innate magic, and the full extent and variation of the Wraiths is unclear. Their 'central computer' known as the Intelligence took the form of a glowing red eye in the heart of a server wall.

Genetics and Reproduction

As a non-organic lifeforce, the Wraiths do not appear to reproduce. Rather, they seem to assimiltate more parts, entities, and knowledge. When Doomed 2 Die experienced their hive mind, Auran theorized that any conciousness assimiltated remained in here - effectively making them immortal. so long as one wraith was left existing.


An illusive people, the Wraiths prefer to keep themselves hidden rather than face confrontation. However, when confrontation occurs their immense firepower and abilities mean they can easily obliterate their foes. In social interactions their motives are exceptionally alien yet strangely logical. Araxys revealed they had assimilated modrones in the past, granting them a knowledge of the timeline allowing their hive-mind to process data on a temporal level.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

As a hive mind, the intelligence of the Wraiths is theorically unmeasurable. Individual entities encountered within the hive-mind had varying levels of intelilgence, such as Curiosity.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Wraiths seem to have the ability to see in the dark, beyond this not much is known.

Civilization and Culture


The Wraiths are a mysterious race with unclear origins. Many theories circulate about them, Araxys theorised they evovled as living metal that asborbed knowledge, some claim they come from the deep realms, and other suggest they are an advanced form of demonic entity. The Wraiths's interest in Sun Elf technology has also led to theories about them being 'upgraded' sun elves but this appears unlikely. Ever since the galactic community formed a thousand years ago, the Wraiths have existed. Their home is within the Veil, a dark matter nebula inpenatrable to scanning.   In 1052, 3e, The Wraiths would detect a Sun Elf signal coming from Gehenna. Investigating, they discovered The Endeavour and sent and overide signal, bringing it to their home and having it partially assimilated alongside the few warforged within the ship. This led them to learn about Doomed 2 Die and their connection to 'the entity' one of the names of the elder god of the negative plane. They would continue to survey the party even as their spy devices and living metal was detected.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length


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