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Captain James Tovos

Captain James Tovos

A mysterious and flirtatious resident of the Astral Sea, Captain James Tovos is an immortal space captain and adventurer who first met Doomed 2 Die on a nameless mining settlement in the twilight zone of a tidally locked planet whilst their sun sailor refeulled. Grateful for his lift off world, Tovos is currently hunting down clues on the Wraiths of the Veil and what they want with Auran, the warforged, and the adventuerers.   Charming but abbrasive at first, Captain James comes across strong and disarming but hides his talents as a pistol sharpshooter and cunning rogue and conman. He earned the admiration of Val and begrudgingly help of Azura in his brief time with the Prima Terran adventurerers.   The intrepid space captain is now stranded in Crowsport, planetbound after the lose of his ship, and that of The Endeavour. Currently staying with artificers Xan and Vorr as well as the mysterious undead archmage Garelen Alazars, Tovos is having to adapt to a single planet lifestyle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

James Tovos was born sometime in the last three centuries on a small colony within the Astral Sea. As a merceanary captain and adventurer he landed on an alien world as 30 year old on a planet that was inhabited by hostile diamond creatures. The captain detonated a bomb, killing several diamond monsters but imbeding part of the diamonds in his chest, killing him. Unknown to him till later, the creature's were innately arcane and capable of regeneration - causing the diamonds to constantly revive him and keep him at his same age.   Tovos became a vagabond and wanderer, eventually coming across Doomed 2 Die in the tavern of a mining colony. He tried to con the adventurers into taking him onto their ship so he could escape Giff debt collectors but the plan failed and after a threesome with Val and Ivar he appeared to have been killed. To the Aedrinarians's surprise, Tovos revived himself and confessed the nature of his affliction. The two allowed him to escape onto the Endeavour.   On the ship, he was interogated by Roach in engineering but noticed how parts of the ship had been overtaken by Wraith technology. After one of the ship's warforged, Nero, killed him for trying to dismantle it, he promised to investigate further claiming the attack "was now personal" and how he owed the group for getting him off world. The Captain took a solar disk to sell to buy his own ship to investigate the wraiths.  

The Deep Arc

For the next two weeks, Captain James investigated the wraiths throughout the astral sea. On the 16th Duskfall, he entered the Solar System and hid in the asteroid and ice belt at the edge of the system. The Endeavour, containing Doomed 2 Die, detected a sun elf signal in the region and flew to investigate. They determined Tovos's ship was hiding in the belt but didn't realise it was him. The captain, suspecting they were enemies, initally tried to escape before he saw the ship and stopped. He was then hit by a Solar Cannon from somewhere near The Moon and was killed, his ship destoryed.   The diamond that restores him to life crashed on The Endeavour and collected by Gallus, Val, and Einar but was not recognised by the adventuerers. They stored the diamond in the arcane tower, alongside some debris. It would not be until they used the two-way communicator Tovos had given them that they discovered it was the captain's ship, and realised the diamond was containing his soul.   Whilst being resurrected by the Diamond, Tovos was left in the care of Aera Furyborn. His recovery would be divinely rushed after Doomed 2 Die were captured by The Wraiths and their loyal vikingr companion, and Tovos's one time threesome partner, Ivar assembled Aera, Zedithir and the captain to hijack a spelljammer and rescue them.   After confronting the wraiths, the party agreed to a 'knowledge transfer' and their souls and minds were plunged into the unimatrix. Unknown to them, the Wraiths had no intention of letting Tovos, who had discovered their location and secret, go. The party sacrificed additional knowledge and memory they would have gained to rescue him, and he was left stranded in Crowsport alongside the rest of the party.   At first dejected, the captain agreed to stay and help Xan, Vorr, and Garelen build a submarine for the party. Upon its completion, he helped captain the ship into the abyssal seas of the eastern isles. Briefly controlled by the Scion of the Seas, Tovos was freed from the aboleth's control upon the beasts death at the hands of Shan and once again returned to Crowsport, where he remains.
First Appearance:
Session 83: The Clockwork God
Current Status
Searching for the Wraiths
Pansexual Space Imp
Slick black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Appearances: 9
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God
  • Session 84: Spooky Stories and Creepy Mansions
  • Session 129: To Infinity and Beyond
  • Session 141: Assimilate
  • Session 142: Electric Dreams of Metal Men
  • Session 143: Aftermath
  • Session 150: Whispers of the Sea Snake
  • Session 141: The Abyss
  • Session 142: Aboleth


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