
Written by Sylmanos

The main goal of the Creation department is the preservation, research and education of manifesting new and exciting innovations in all forms. It also aims to explore and create new artistic and technological advancements in various fields including, but not limited to, music, dance, architecture, design, aetero-electrical studies, metalcraft, allagan reimagination, craftsmanship, and many, many other disciplines.   With a recent influx of resources, Creation is able to accomplish its widespread duties within the estate and generates much of the operating capital used by the organization through exportation of high quality goods and services. The department is second to none when it comes to fundraising for the organization as it is one of the few departments that regularly interacts with outside entities. Meeting with merchants, heads of state and industry, and other stakeholders are quite common and are one of the many duties overseen by the head seeker. The myriad of created items offer plenty of options for investors and interested buyers to peruse and purchase from the organization, allowing it to continue to function effectively and reliably.   In addition to generating revenue, ravens of creation are responsible for the construction, repair and upkeep of the estate’s facilities, providing tools and equipment to other departments, rebuilding damaged sections as a result of haywire experiments, and dangerous attacks. Or resolving requests for expansion of space. Most architectural designs pass over the department head’s desk where the implementation is delegated to the necessary master’s of the field and their apprentices.   The Creation department has its own hierarchy as well. Implemented by Aroris it follows the typical sort of thing you might see in any craftsman’s guild.   Master → Journeyman → Apprentice → Initiate   These ranks and titles are earned by demonstrating skill and proficiency in a trained discipline. A new member can earn the rank of master if they showcase the skill for their craft and the capacity to lead and be responsible. The department head and a committee of other ranks collaborate on the decisions to promote a member to a new rank, with all having equal say.   The department head is not above this hierarchy and must abide by the recommendations and experience offered by the designated master craftsman/innovator for each discipline.


As indicated above, the Creation Department has its own internal hiearchy that it follows based on set ups used by craft guilds across the star.   Master Artisan   This is the current head of the department. They are in charge of all things that go on in the Creation Department, yet to prevent the Master Artisan from making decisions on things they may not be knowledgable in they are subjected to the discipline hiearchy as well. As such, in any discipline in which the Master Artisan is a rank lower than Master they must defer to the expertise of the masters of that particular area.   Masters   These are the pinacle of their craft. Their skills go beyond just being able to create and repair things created by their disciplines. Nor are they usually burdened by the production requirements. Instead they oversee the inovation of their craft and find new ways to push the boundaries of what they are capable of. They also oversee the training of the Journeyman below them to help them continue to grow as craftsmen.   Journeyman   These are the rank and file crafters of their chosen discipline. While they lack the expertise of Masters, they are able to handle most every day requests made of their craft. This includes mass production of more difficult recipes and patterns, handling special requests, and more complicated repairs. They are also responsible for the trianing of the Apprentices and Initiates.   Apprentices   Though they are at the beginning stages of their craft, they have already received instruction from those who are more knowledgable in their chosen discipline. As such they are able to handle the mass production of the most basic of recipes and patterns, as well as basic repair requests. Though they rank above Initiates they do not train the Initiates but rather work alongside them to assist.   Initiates   The bottom rung of the ladder are the Initiates. These people lack experience, though they may have a talent for crafting, and as such they often lack the knowledge to do anything beyond the most menial of tasks for their craft. Their main purpose in each discipline is simply to learn and absorb.
Department Head: Master Artisan Aroris Current Members:
  • Nemenox Tisserand
  • Davian Vrost
  • Alexander Bolethgar
  • Noemi Iviere
  • Totogo Togo
  • Haunted Moon
  • Landrenel Vallenaux
  • Reikoko Reiko
  • Xora Amariyo
  • Casimir Zlatasch
  • Tefh Khamazom
  • Leiella Sauveterre
  • Borteni the Liar
  • Maximillaux Dubois