Research and Development

Written by Sylmanos

Managed Primarily by Fifiyo, I’aliah and T’esleen who continue to work on smaller scale research projects tied to engineering. While the new estate certainly lacks some of the allagan research opportunities that the former one had, many former tech seekers are able to work closely with their artisan counterparts in restoring lost artifacts in the gallery.

Purpose / Function

Within the R&D facility, Ravens in the Creation Department are able to experiment and develop new means by which to do things. This includes technological advancements, new power sources, new mammets, new vessels, and even new weapons. As well as restoration of Allagan artifacts whose purpose may not be understood.   Nor is this limited to technology. Indeed, amongst the Research & Development members are Alchemists, Blacksmiths, Goldsmiths, Leatherworkers, and many other artisans. After all new techniques in all fields are often found in this area and not all of them are safe at first.


Located as it is in the underground of the Keep, the Research & Development Division is designed more like a vault or bunker than an actual room. The walls are designed similar to bulkheads, made out of metal and backed up by stone beyond it. The entrance doors are also more industrial in nature, made from Garlean Magitek as two sets of giant powered doors. One set operating as standard doors, while the second set operats as blast doors and are only ever shut in case of an emergency.
Located on the Keep's first sub-level.   Creating DM: Aroris
Parent Location
Owning Organization