S2E1 Session Report

General Summary

Dream - Fairy? Azorius Senate Lives with (?) Shuli - a believer Some…place seemed busier than usual. New Prahv?   She’s an investigator(?)     Simic creatures Crasis (?) came up and attacked some people? It lasted about 10-15 minutes. There’s a hole in the ground from where they came up.   Simic - labs. Public health. Bettering evolution.   Nasius Ven? w/ the guild pac soldiers at the final battle   Cranko - mob boss - escaped after a shark&bear attack. The party helped investigate. The splicing of two organisms has never been done before. Cranko said that Nasius was corrupt. Party was asked to look at where the shark&bear came from. da’har was supposed to cover it up, asked by someone in the simic.   Beastiery - sect in the simic. Jacary freespar - leader of this sect. Only member of the family in the simic, not the orzhov. Party find and kill jacary freespar.   Da’Har Winn - uses a cursed magical book that gives him a +2 ability score increase for reading about Beach Body LifeStyle and being ABOUT IT. If he gives up the lifestyle, he loses the +2 his tentacles’ names: kramer, george, elaine, frasier?? In the last 2 weeks: embracing the beach body lifestyle and reading the notes on his tentacles so that he can gain control of him.   Public news in the last 2 weeks: chamber of the guild pact is investigating the simic’s guardian project. They were creating super soldiers and mutating people. Simic said they were radicals and that the safety standards were lacking. People are asking for the leader of the simic to step down, although his constituents still support him.   Sylas Badar - starts day at 4:30am, drinks raw eggs, then goes to the gym. Bisexual. Works arms 6/7 days a week. Only 1 for legs. Works at a very messy desk. Ax sits in the wall. Works with Nasius Ven. worships lunesta.   Maria hayworth - Human. Rosa from brooklyn 99 looks, but friendly. Sits at the desk next to sylas. Filock Titus - their boss? Has specifically asked Sylas not to put the ax in the wall.   Nasius Ven is in Filock’s office. Theo - lives in servant’s quarters - small house next to the Freespar Manor. Is in a small but comfy room. Most comfy room in the servant’s quarters. Note under door. Madame freespar request her presence. Theo goes to the closest southern sunny spot to do some yoga and thai chi. She knows the schedules of all of the guards in the neighborhood around her that work for the other wealthy families. Comes back for her meeting with madame freespar. Madame is having her morning spiked tea on in the stone garden. Many ghost ancestors live on the property. Their homes in the afterlife are lavish, but they exist in the same space as the freespar mansion, so they pass through to our plane through their graves. One willow tree is in the garden. Otherwise, mostly statues. She offers me tea.   Theo is cold and short around the Freespar Family. She is smug towards all others. Kind to other servants though. She’s keeping something from nuemorar, her husband. Some people came looking for her son jacary a few weeks ago. The husband got pissed that people from the guild pact were investigating their son, felt his son was bringing them shame. Cuts him off. Some people came a few days later and said that they were trying to help jacary (the party). She hasnt heard anything in three weeks. She’d like to speak to the person who came to the house, da’har winn, member of the Simic Combine. The madame wants her to find him and bring him back to the manor. Theo has access to a thrull-drawn carriage (they work for and are created by the orzhov). But she prefers to walk. She knows what gym da’har goes to, so goes to find him.   Detective Dream - Navigating New Prahv - tis a labyrinth, but people walk through it in perfect order, walking on the right side and stopping at crossings.. Gets called into her boss’ office. Has never led an investigation before. Her boss: very rigid posture. Break in at the new prahv evidence locker. He got away because of the confusion when the Crasis attacked. But there is a witness! Dream knows the chief thinks she’s incompetent, and is confused why the chief is suddenly being so positive Dream goes back to the crime scene to talk to the witness.   Theo and Da’Har She finds him in precinct 5 at the gym. He is on chest day, raw dogging his workout. He’s a simic human based hybrid fighter. pale blue/grey skin from being in the guardian project. He’s got 4 tentacles on his back. They don’t listen to him. Says his name is Mizix Zyzyx (a Goblin engineer) but she can tell he’s lying. She tells him they can do it the easy way or the hard way, and walks away. He follows in fear after grabbing his things. They get back to the manor by 10am. The gate is powered by mizium (electricity) and opens silently. It’s technologically advanced, so da’har can tell that they’re loaded.   Madame Oferas Freespar - drow Elf. Speaks in a high pitched posh fake british accent. they’re led to her private office. She’s behind her gold lined desk in a ballgown with a cocktail. She asks da’har what happened. He says that his superiors told him to lie low and not talk to anyone. He tells her about the fight with jacary. He tells her that jacary is dead but says he had nothing to do with it, but he was there. She asks him why he let that happen to her son. He says that he couldn’t do anything, but that her son went insane and that there was nothing left of her son.   Garrett rolls a nat 20 on his fucking persuasion check when saying that jacary was insane.   She asks what her son got himself into? D: nefarious organizations. Bad people. Matthias benzoni. MO: recognizes the name. He was in the rokdos cult. What made you get involved? D: Once upon a time, he wanted to work with Matthias(or jacary?) to evolve people. But had a change of heart. Wishes he could’ve shown jacary the ravnica beach body. MO: thought he was talking about the religious book, not the RBB. one last question: jacary had a family heirloom. Her husband doesn’t know that jacary is dead. Wants the heirloom returned before the husband finds out. Asks about the family staff D: says he knows where it is, but he needs time MO: says that theo will join him to ensure that the mission is accomplished. Says she’ll pay him for returning it. 10k zinos (gold) paid in advance. Theo knows that this means he will be in the freespar’s debt, as she is. And she knows how dangerous that is. But she does not feel any pity towards him. She’s trying to stay detached in case she has to kill him. D: accepts. Says that he will be expedient. MO: Snaps her fingers, and a thrull servant comes in with his payment. D: as he accepts the payment, he feels a literal weight on his shoulders. It comes with a sense of dread.   This is the first time the madame has given her a job, rather than nuemeror.   Da’har knows that nasius ven confiscated the staff. He asks theo how she thinks he should go about this. She tells him whichever he thinks is better, since he’s gambling with his life. She calls him a Theo’s pupil is morphing and misshapen. Da’Har notices, but doesn’t know what it means.   Nassius Ven - vidulcan. Like the naavi. proctor for chamber of guild pact leading investigation on shark bear attack. Was on jacary’s trail. The freespars know who he is because of that and because he’s at other galas with the wealthy. He’s not super wealthy but is kind of a district attorney type.   Vidulcan - the receptionist. He asks her how to see Nasius Ven. she says that he’s on admin leave. Offers to introduce him to Sylas Badar who is taking over ven’s cases.   Sylas: Filoc - short, round, hairy, middle aged Satyr. Says the thief disguised himself as nasius. The only thing taken was a staff belonging to the Freespar Family. Filoc says Nasius has to come off the case because Nasius is a suspect and under some fire. Says that Sylas has to clear Nasius’ name and find out who the thief was, find the thief, and find the staff. Detective Haywird asks Sylas what happened in Filoc’s office. Sylas says her name and doesn’t reply. He sits at his desk and puts the ax back in the wall. He requests Nasius’ case docs sent to his desk. Receptionist waves over Sylar Sylas: 6ft wide shouldered smoldering tiefling. Slicked back hair, short on the sides. He’s in a azorius overcoat, but one sleeve is rolled up, and the other sleeve is missing. He’s wearing no shirt underneath, so his 10 pack is showing. Biker leather pants. Red tiefling. Discoloring on his hands is white, like crackling tattoos. Great axe that looks like lava.   Da’Har, Sylas, and Theo: Da’Har offers Sylas his hand. They do a bro handshake. D: asks about Ven. S: taken over his position   *Da’Har is asexual   D: asks about the freespar staff S: says to give a note to his secretary because he’s leaving   Thoe tells Da’Har to skip the paperwork. Da’Har asks if they’re going to tail Sylas, and the glare from Theo tells him yes.   Sylas walks up to the evidence lockup.   Dream: Casts detect thoughts on the witness.   Dream: Elle Woods, but red haired.Mage. It’s in a tight military-like bun. Two strands on each side, with bangs across her brow. Dazzling green eyes. Shops at Pradnica. Arrestor robe (cop robes). Boots. Silver jewelry. Earring, bengals, and accents on her outfit.   Dream and Sylas: Sylas casts magic awareness, and senses that Dream has casted Detect Thoughts. They’re both from the Azurius and are going to be working together. Dr: We should share notes later. I’m about to talk to the witness about who she saw.   Theo and Da’Har: Arrive at new prahv. Follow Sylas to the evidence locker. We see Sylas and Dream out in the open. Theo stays back and Da’Har follows her lead.   Dream and Sylas: Sylas tells dream that she hasn’t been manipulated by magic. Dream approaches her and is very friendly with the witness. Witness says she was going to store some evidence, but as she was coming into new prahv but saw nasius leaving the building. She thought it was odd because she had just seen him at the guild pact office 20 minutes before and was about to go into a meeting. Approached nasius and tried to start a conversation. Saw that he was holding the ornate gem encrusted staff. He looked away from her while she was talking, and she followed his gaze, and then a bunch of crasis burrowed out of the ground. He had looked before the creatures arose out of the ground, not after. He started running by the time she looked back. She cast dispel magic and the disguise went away, but she only saw them from behind. Woman with long silver hair with purple streaks. Plate armor. Very agile even though in plate armor. Got away. Dr: where were they headed? Witness: North-Northwest of new prahv. Dr: what’s your profession? Witness: Proctor. Rosaria Damfir. Works in the guild pact with nasius ven. Dr: are you practiced in illusionary practice? Rosario: looks to Sylas Sylas: I’m all about consent. If you think this will help Vasian, and you want to, then go for it. But only if you’re comfortable with it. Rosario: consents Dream: doesn’t recognize the culprit. Gives Rosario her business card. Is uniform with the other business cards except they’re lavender and they smell good. Dream sends a letter to the appropriate party in the Azurius to send out an APB out on the suspect. Known to disguise themselves. Wanted for questioning for fleeing a crime scene. Sylas tells Hayworth to take the next couple days off and that he’ll cover for her.She thanks him but doesn’t believe him.   Theo goes and talks to Gorbov, a security guard for the Azurius.He’s a half-orc with a jersey accent. She gets him to admit that the staff was stolen. AT THE START OF NEXT SESSION: fill da’har in about the staff being stolen and the guild pact investigating its disappearance.   Sylas: asan viseesh (Bryce's old character) fits the description. Has info on the old party, including da’har. Knows that they were involved.
Report Date
17 Feb 2023


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