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Precinct Three

Ample parks, busy stables, and large gardens combine to create this vibrant Precinct. Folk here are simple; during the day, the gardens are tended and the beasts are trained, and at night communal gatherings are held.


Ample parks, busy stables, and large gardens combine to create a vibrant environment in Precinct Three. Natural and urban life intermingle throughout the precinct, and the people who reside here view it as a respite from most other places in the Tenth District. Folk here tend to live simply, and generations of families have dwelt in the same structures for hundreds of years. During the day, the gardens, small pastures, and stables are tended by young and old. Evenings are given over to communal gatherings, sometimes featuring performances by trained beasts or storytelling.

The people of Precinct Three are comfortable with living around nature. They have no problems with pets or beastly companions sharing their space as well as residing in multifamily structures. Good neighbors help tend to plants, animals, and children whenever necessary.


Affiliated Guilds

The Selesnya Conclave's influence on this area is strong, and its Guildhall, the towering tree of Vitu-Ghazi, stands at the northern edge of the precinct. Members of the Gruul Clans sometimes venture into the northern part of the precinct, rarely with peaceful intentions.


Neighborhoods and Landmarks

Precinct Three is made up of old stone structures partially reclaimed by nature, standing alongside well-preserved wooden buildings that have been enhanced by Conclave magic.



The Selesnya Guildhall, a towering tree that also serves as a cathedral to Mat'Selesnya, is the epicenter of Selesnya Conclave culture and law. Members of the Conclave from across Ravnica make pilgrimages to the World Tree in hopes of finding a spiritual connection with the heart of the guild. All who come without ill intent in their heart are welcome to visit the public areas of the tree.


The Canopy

The northern neighborhood of the precinct is covered in tall trees, all of which are overshadowed by Vitu-Ghazi. To accommodate a growing population, buildings are situated around the trees and on the larger branches, making use of a network of ladders and rope walkways.


The Great Concourse

A network of elevated roadways links many of the most important Selesnya communities near Vitu-Ghazi. The polished white stone of the roadways gleams in the sun, and the pathways are topped with lush trees, grasses, and flowers. On high holy days, its central hub, called the Great Concourse, serves as a gathering place for throngs of guild devotees. On most other days, the Concourse is a teeming marketplace where goods transported across the city on the great roadways are bought and sold.



Once known as the Old City, the eastern neighborhood of Concordance is the oldest section of the precinct. Many buildings in this area were once Orzhov structures, but they have been reclaimed by moss, shrubs, and other growth that make them blend in with the homes, parks, and the Selesnya Vernadi that fill the rest of the neighborhood. The Great Concourse runs overhead through most of this neighborhood.


Beast Haven

The western neighborhood has many small pastures and stables, some of which are on open, multilevel structures. The area is filled with the sights, sounds, and smells, of beasts of many sorts. Here, beasts are trained for labor and sold to customers from across the city. Every so often, a beast escapes captivity and rampages through the neighborhood, but the tough residents are usually able to bring any disruption under control quickly.


Goods and Services

The bounty of nature is plentiful in Precinct Three, which serves as the main source of food for the Tenth District. The finest steeds and livestock are raised here, as well as war beasts (although these are often raised in Precinct Four ). Unlike in most other precincts, barter is an acceptable form of transaction here, and some vendors outright reject payment in coin of any kind. Manufactured goods are relatively hard to find, except in large markets such as the Great Concourse.

Meals and lodging are widely varied, from squalid to comfortable, depending on the neighborhood. In general, the neighborhoods in Concordance tend toward the more expensive end of that scale, and those in Beast Haven more toward the other end. The residents of Precinct Three don't put much stock in personal appearance, and they're slow to pass judgement on anyone based on visible standards of wealth. The truly wretched sometimes evoke pity and sometimes scorn, and the very wealthy are generally disliked. Those who obviously maintain a wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle might have trouble interacting with the residents of Precinct Three.


Crime and Punishment

Most of Precinct Three is policed by its residents, occasionally supplemented by Boros troops when a serious threat rears its head. Each block elects a watch captain, who receives weapon training from Selesnya soldiers. The captain can call on additional citizens for support in case of a crisis. The typical response to a reported crime takes about 1d8 minutes, and the squad consists of a Watch Captain with two guards or two wolves. In Concordance, it's either a knight or a Selesnya Druid with a topiary guardian, such as an Awakened Tree.

Crime usually takes one of two forms in Precinct Three. Some residents engage in outright banditry, but they typically target visitors or go outside the precinct to do their dirty work. More common are incidents of livestock theft, which sometimes lead to outbreaks of violence between neighbors, particularly in Beast Haven.

Boros Legion patrolled territory with private security provided by citizens and the Selesnya Conclave.

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