Bucket's Crew Organization in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Bucket's Crew

This motley crew works under Supervisor Buksnix "Bucket" in Lab R009C.
Name Role Description Personality
Nerid Lead Assistant Male Vedalkin Butt kisser, super long dark blue pony tail
Berta Lon Assistant Female Human
Ungi Assistant Female Goblin
Oklee Assistant Female Goblin
Noik Assistant Male Goblin, pale yellow ears and constantly sniffling like he has a cold. Obsessed with snacks.
Abzak Assistant Male Goblin
Wolfgang Airheart Researcher Male Human, hulking artificer with many gadgets and skilled hands Good natured and jovial
Su'Nat Goldeneye Researcher Male Human, masked sorcerer with a flare for fire Charasmatic but not a fan of bugs or the undead
Ruthul Assistant in Training Male Vedalkin


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