Caz's notes on an expedition in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Caz's notes on an expedition

Knowing that the party was heading to the Cavern of Shattered Shadow, Caznia  obtained the records of the last expedition that traveled there. Slate Eyes had these in her temple lent them to Caznia to review and compile.   The Tower can be approached from two obvious ways, but there may be other paths.
  • Travel through the skull of the Craw Wyrm, into the ravine of rubble, across the Chasm of Howls and to the Tower.
  • Travel to the ancient Shrine of the Eye, across the Toils of the Dead (???) and then to the Tower.
  The Necrotic Pastures are where Deathbridge Beetles can be found.
  • Travel through the skull of the Craw Wyrm, to the Fungal Village, then the Diamond Pool and finally to the Necrotic Pastures.
  • Take the LONG way to avoid the village. Go to the shrine of the Eye, the Stony Remains, the Grove of Webs, the Ancient Hive and finally to the Necrotic Pastures.
  The Grove of Webs is a known home to Ettercaps and their spider flock
  • Shortest route is via the Shrine of the Eye - then either the Toils of the Dead or the Stony Remains before you arrive at the Grove of Webs.
  • Or you can take the LONG Way. Go to the Skull of the Craw Wyrm, then the Fungal Village, the Diamond Pool, the Ancient Hive and finally the Grove of Webs.
  A bizarre "weeping crystal" is near the fungal village and seems to drive most creature away. Maybe a safe place to set up camp?

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