Deathgrasp Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Mistress Caznia (a.k.a. Deathgrasp)

Caznia is a elf necromancer living and working in the Necrose Network. It is said that next to Nesiss she is one of the most powerful spellcasters in the Writhing Hive.   She came by her name Deathgrasp during the overthrow of the gorgon sisters who ruled in tyranny over the Swarm. They say that Caznia used the last of her magic to rip the soul from the eldest gorgon sister and turn the tide of battle. She collapsed, but Nesiss rushed to her aid and protected the unconscious necromancer. The two have been close ever since.   Caznia is content to continue her work within the Nest, and has even found a promising student. She is known for her affinity for skeletal servants, and crafting her tools from various bones. She also plays a harp made of fungal filament and bone. The sound is... unique, but she claims it soothes her mind and helps her focus on spellwork.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Tends to dress in black and dark grey. Most of her accessories and jewelry are made from bones. She spends some time carving them herself, and will make items for friends and peers.

Mental characteristics


The resident necromancer of the Necrose Network and known across the Writhing Hive for her skill with spells and knowledge of the arcane.

Intellectual Characteristics

Not a fan of mysticism, which puts her at odds with Nighsilk. She is much more interested in cause and effect - especially when that effect is death.


Contacts & Relations

Mentor to Thana.   Peer to Nighsilk and Orval Shardspear  Considers Nesiss a friend.

Social Aptitude

She tends to appreciate the quiet of the dead over the chattering of the living, but she can be pleasant enough. Her main issue is that she will get lost in her thoughts and sometimes forget others are speaking to her.
Pale green
Dark brown with some silver strands, very straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bone white
5' 9"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You have lovely bone structure. A shame all that flesh is covering it up."

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