Nightsilk Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Mother Elga (a.k.a. Nightsilk)

The current nest mother of the Necrose Network is Elga also called Nightsilk. This Devkarin elven shaman is known for her skills with weaving magic connected with the natural world, as well as her affinity for spiders. Those that come to her for wisdom or teaching are often disappointed, since she is aloof and obtuse in her guidance. Her magical skills are undeniable, and there are many tales of her battles against raging Deathbridge beetles. Still some wonder what she does to actually guide or protect the nest. In any case it is obvious that the hive mother Nesiss Slate Eyes trusts her.   Elga's mediation chamber is covered in spider silk.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Tends to dress in green robes with black accents in the pattern of spiders or webbing. Under her robes she wears black armor made from the exoskeleton of Deathbridge beetles she slew herself.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Will move her fingers while speaking, creating webbing in between them.   Usually in the company of one or more giant spiders.


Contacts & Relations

Mentor to Marine.   Close friend of Nesiss.   Peers of Caznia Deathgrasp and Orval Shardspear.
Luminous Green
Dark grey and silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown with black moodmarks
5' 7"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Do you not feel the answer around you?" or "Stop asking questions and simply comprehend where you are."

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