Goals and Rewards in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Goals and Rewards

This table will cover the goals and rewards as they play out over the campaign. Certain tasks will be needed by a particular guild, but often achieving the joint mission is enough to get you the rewards. Renown points and leveling are the primary goals and are tied to the renown tables for Izzet and Golgari. Golgari gold rewards may not actually be gold, but the equivalent in traceable goods.tr]
Golgari Goal Reward Izzet Goal Reward
Nightsilk's Instructions 1 Renown 7 gold Director Uldin's Instructions 1 Renown 7 gold
Joint Mission 1 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 15 gold Establish secure surface access to Undercity. 1 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 15 gold
Locate and kill creature in Undercity 1 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 15 gold Joint Mission 1 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 15 Gold
Joint Mission 1 Renown 1 Inspiration 25 gold Ensure the lab is secure from goblin gangs. 1 Renown 1 Inspiration 25 Gold
Retrieve the Eye of Nivudath 1 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 25 gold Joint Mission 1 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 25 Gold
Joint Mission 1 Renown 1 Inspiration 35 gold Change the way the stories in the Weekly Ravnica News are written. 1 Renown 1 Inspiration 35 Gold
Joint Mission 2 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 35 gold Stop Shockwave 2 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 35 Gold
Uncover the Secret of Mysst 1 Renown 1 Inspiration 50 gold Joint Mission 1 Renown 1 Inspiration 50 Gold
Joint Mission 1 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 50 gold Complete Izzet Flight Experiment 1 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 50 Gold
Bring Caznia back to the Necros Network 1 Renown 1 Inspiration 100 gold Joint Mission 1 Renown 1 Inspiration 100 Gold
Joint Mission 1 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 100 gold Destroy Gruul Outpost 1 Renown 1 Level 1 Inspiration 100 Gold
Obtain Tuturuu's Juice Trolly Loyalty Card 1 Inspiration Loyalty Card Joint Mission 1 Inspiration Loyalty Card


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