Uldin Character in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Director Uldin

Current director of the Izzet Laboritory of Gravitational Inversion. He reports to Director Gertrudt Airheart, who is his representive on the Board of Directors.   The director's office is always clean. His workshop is well organized and when performing experiments (or supervising others) his unseen servant will take detailed notes, and he always verify key points to ensure the accuracy of the data and the results. His personal project centers on high altitude flight, with a focus on creating the least bulky mechanism to enable a stable trajectory and maintain altitude once it is obtained.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Uldin has only been the director of the Laboritory of Gravitational Inversion for six months. It becomes very obvious that the Vedalikin is striving to make an impression as quickly as possible. He encourages new ideas, while micromanaging the experiments to ensure they bring about "actual results". Some of the staff appreciate his hands on approach, and others find it stifling. There are also rumors that he took credit for other researcher's work in the past, and was only promoted to director because the previous director, Valen Gastok started to melt, fell into a sinkhole and then exploded.


Contacts & Relations

Reports to Director Gertrudt Airheart.   Supervisor of Bucket  and his Crew .

Social Aptitude

Director Uldin does like to show off his arcane knowledge, often able to dictate and quote formula and results from previous experiments, and note connections to famous Izzet breakthroughs. He is direct and cold with most of his team. The exception being Bucket who obviously irritates him, and gets the cold shoulder.
Pale blue green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue
6' 0"

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