Izzet Laboritory of Gravitational Inversion in Ravnica's Shadow | World Anvil
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Izzet Laboritory of Gravitational Inversion

Located not far from the Augustin Station in Precinct Two of the 10th district of Ravnica, the Laboratory of Gravitational Inversion continues to refine methods of defying gravity. While airships and flying animal transport are used frequently, this laboratory focuses on going faster, higher, and safer than any current method. Safety testing can be especially dangerous in the gravity chambers, but the pressure closets and velocity tunnels can be equally terrifying. The main lab tends to use it's access to Augustin Station for parts and testing using "real world conditions" on the flight platforms. But lately Director Uldin  has shown interest in opening a lab branch within the Blistercoils of Precinct Five.   With this in mind he has chosen Bucket and his crew of newbies to identify a prime location with an entrance to the Undercity close at hand. Based on a research provided by the previous director, there is a valuable resource only found in the Undercity that could advance flight experiments by 22 percent.   But some wonder if the Director is trying to get rid of Bucket (who he obviously doesn't like), or maybe trying to shift some of those responsible for the "Sweet Water Incident" until things cool down. While no one was hurt when all the water in a 2 mile radius of the lab became sweet, it did disrupt flights from the Augustin Station. Some of the chemical compositions used in various flying machines was altered leading to breakdowns. Luckily only three explosions occurred but they were small and easily contained. Still the Azorius investigators were obviously less than pleased by this. Director Uldin had a stern talking to from the board, even if Director Airheart had his back.

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