Seagrow Caves

General Description

The sea caves on the southwest side of Stormwreck Isle hosted an extraordinary colony of myconids—fungus people typically dwelling in subterranean depths. Despite their aversion to sunlight, these myconids were once open to occasional visitors. Notably, they engaged in trade with settlers from Dragon's Rest, exchanging rare fungi from their caves for food scraps and other waste from the cloister, which served to nourish the fungi within the caves.  


In 1459 DR a blight struck in the myconid calling. Rendering most of it's occupants sick. Trade would stop with the people of Dragons Rest as a result.   The sea cave, once a peaceful abode, had transformed into a dragon's tomb some time ago. In the natural course of a dragon's demise, their graves emanate magical energy, imbued by the inherent magic of these majestic beings. Often unpredictable and wild, this magic took the form of toxic fumes that filled the air within the colony, posing a threat to its inhabitants. When the vent allowing these fumes to escape became blocked, the noxious vapors polluted the entire colony.   The dragon burial ground served as a crucial source of magical energy required by Sparkrender to complete the ritual ascending him to godhood. A group of adventurers, aiding the colony, discovered a party of drow and goblins believed to be collaborating with Sparkrender in fulfilling the ritual. A clash ensued, with the adventurers prevailing and successfully venting the toxic fumes out of the colony. However, displeased by the disruption to his plans, Sparkrender launched an attack on the adventurers, nearly defeating them. In a crucial moment, Elder Runara, the bronze dragon, intervened to save the party from certain demise.   Despite the intervention, Sparkrender ultimately destroyed the myconid colony in the aftermath of his conflict with Runara. Regrettably, no survivors, except the group of adventurers, emerged from the devastating onslaught.
Location In
Stormwreck Isle
Organization | Feb 5, 2024


Myconid Colony of 32


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