Stormwreck Isle


The island boasts a rugged, mountainous terrain. Serving as a beacon to dragons, it absorbs the magical essence of numerous dragons that meet their end on its grounds. This accumulation of dragon magic creates a spiritual wound across the island, giving rise to unpredictable and mysterious magical phenomena.  


Stormwreck Isle lies in the Sea of Swords, situated approximately 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometers) off the Faerûn coast near the High Road. Positioned to the south of Neverwinter, it maintains a close proximity to the city. The island spans about 5 miles (8 kilometers) in width.  

Island Features

The rocky island features basalt cliffs, sea caves, temple ruins, the settlement Dragons Rest and hot springs. The coastline is marked by sharp rocks, leading to numerous shipwrecks, particularly along a perilous shoal to the northwest strewn with massive gold dragon bones. On the southwest side lies Seagrow Caves, where toxic fumes, believed to originate from the volcanic tomb of the red dragon Sharruth, vent to the surface.


In ancient times, volcanic activity shapes the island, a consequence of the mighty red dragon Sharruth's entombment on the sea floor. A trio of metallic dragons - Astalagan, the bronze dragon; Clyssavar, the gold dragon; and Turadaer, the brass dragon - orchestrated this burial. Since then, the island serves as a focal point for ongoing dragon conflicts, a perpetual struggle between metallic and chromatic dragons. This continuous battle saturates the island with the magical essence of the fallen dragons. Recognizing this potent magical aura, scholars construct the Clifftop Observatory to study and harness these ambient energies.   In the latter half of the 14th century DR, Eldenemir, the blue dragon, seeks to control the island's magic through the Observatory but is thwarted and slain by Runara, the bronze dragon. A century later, around 1458 DR, Eldenemir's grandchild, Sparkrender, arrives on the island. Sparkrender, intended to perform a ritual, awakening the spirits of the island's deceased dragons, using their power to elevate himself to godhood. In the process, he imprisoned Aidron, a bronze dragon, planning to sacrifice his life to energize the ritual.   Sparkrender, in alliance with his kobold companions and an intriguing amalgamation of drow and goblins, collaborated to bring their ritual to fruition. The majority of the island's kobolds are comprised of those who departed the settlement known as Dragons Rest. The involvement of the drow and goblins remains shrouded in mystery. Information provided by a group of adventurers indicates the presence of two drow individuals, Savoric, a high mage, and Renvas Phundry, a skilled fighter, who seem to have affiliations with the Nine Hells.   The resistance to Sparkrender's intended ritual only materialized when a band of adventurers arrived at Dragons Rest. This diverse group, featuring Redla, the dwarf paladin; Darfin, the elf rogue; Zavania, the wood elf druid; Kasari, the tiefling warlock; Finkelstein, the half-human, half-elf bard; Roland, the human barbarian; and Alision, a drow warlock, pooled their strengths to thwart Sparkrender's ambitions. Together they defeated Sparkrender, freed Aidron, halting the ritual and restoring peace and prosperity to the island.
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