Session Fourteen 3/25/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasari (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Roland (Zack) & Zavania (Alyssa)   After their release from jail, the party resumed their journey, their focus shifting towards aiding General Sabine in her efforts against the Syndicate of Belial. As they ventured forth, the next logical step led them to Harbin Wester, a figure whose trust they needed to regain after some prior mishaps in Phandalin.   Approaching Harbin's home, the party was met with a scene of guarded vigilance and ongoing repairs, testament to the turmoil they had inadvertently caused. Kasari, taking the lead, stepped forward to both inquire about their next tasks and extend a sincere apology to Harbin. Recognizing the gesture, Harbin graciously accepted and swiftly transitioned into discussing the pressing matters at hand, seeking to foster a more cooperative dynamic between himself and the adventurers. He directed them to peruse the job board for further instructions.   Among the postings, one caught the party's attention—the Mountain's Toe Gold Mine job, which necessitated locating its owner, Don-Jon Raskin. Upon finding the eccentric Don-Jon, the party learned of the mine's infestation by wererats, prompting a call for extermination.   Agreeing to aid Don-Jon, the party escorted him to the mine, where they encountered a chilling sight—frostbitten orc corpses, evidence of the menacing dragon's influence in the area. Undeterred, they pressed on, only to face off against wererat sentinels guarding the mine entrance. Opting for diplomacy over conflict, the party was ushered deeper into the mine to meet its leader, Zeleen Varnaster, a striking woman in both her human and wererat forms.   In a bid to broker peace, Finkelstein, ever the opportunist, endeavored to charm Zeleen, sparking an unexpected courtship that led the party to an uneasy alliance with the wererats. Zeleen, motivated by a desire to reclaim her former lair from marauding orcs, enlisted the party's aid.   Accompanied by Zeleen and Don-Jon, the party ventured to the orc stronghold, only to find themselves outnumbered and outmatched. In a chaotic clash against overwhelming odds, the party fought tooth and nail, with Zavania's mystical prowess and Darfin's near-fatal sacrifice turning the tide in their favor. Amidst the chaos, Finkelstein's cunning managed to sway one of the ogres to their side, further tipping the scales in their favor.   Bruised but victorious, the party emerged from the fray, their bond strengthened by the shared ordeal and the promise of further adventures on the horizon
Report Date
30 Mar 2024


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