Session Nine 1/30/24

General Summary

Character Present: Characters Present: Darfin (Tim M), Zavania (Alyssa), Redla (Melissa), Kasari (Lou), Alsion (Austin) & Finkelstein (Tim D)   As the dawn hues illuminated the temple in Dragons Rest, the party stirred from their restless sleep, recovering from the fierce encounter with Sparkrender. Elder Runara, visibly weakened from the skirmish, pledged to guide them to their next destination—the clifftop observatory. The group gathered around her, concern etched on their faces, as they prepared for the impending assault to thwart Sparkrender's nefarious ritual.   Amidst the solemn preparations, Runara entrusted the adventurers with a mystical key capable of activating a magical bridge leading to the observatory. Additionally, she sought the aid of Alsion, a skilled dark elf with a deadly prowess against dragons, who willingly joined their ranks for the perilous journey ahead. Before departing, the party replenished their supplies with healing potions from Tarak, ensuring they were adequately prepared for the challenges ahead.   Approaching the observatory, the party beheld two imposing stone dragon statues, one adorned with a keyhole to activate the enchanted bridge. With a twist of the key, the bridge shimmered into existence, beckoning them forward. However, their path was hindered by winged kobolds engaged in a skirmish with stirges. Without hesitation, the party intervened, swiftly dispatching the aerial pests and earning the gratitude of the kobolds—Mek and Minn, siblings to Myla, who shared their carved Dragon Effigies intended for Sparkrender's ritual.   Through cunning persuasion, Kasari deftly deceived the kobolds, feigning alliance with Sparkrender to allay suspicion. Convinced of their benign intentions, Mek and Minn resumed their duties, unwittingly aiding the party's infiltration.   Exploring the depths of the observatory, the party uncovered an elevator leading to the tower where Sparkrender lay nestled amidst a hoard of riches. Within the chamber, four statues stood sentinel, concealing a secret passage to a clandestine library. With deft coordination, the group maneuvered the statues, revealing the hidden library without rousing the slumbering dragon.   Within the library's confines, they encountered Aidron, a captured bronze dragon, imprisoned by Sparkrender's machinations. Determined to liberate him, the party united their efforts, freeing Aidron from his shackles. In the wake of his release, Aidron soared skyward, launching a relentless assault against Sparkrender.   With Aidron's formidable presence bolstering their ranks, the party engaged Sparkrender in a tumultuous clash. Despite the dragon's ferocity, their combined might proved insurmountable, culminating in Sparkrender's swift defeat. With his demise, the looming threat over the isle was vanquished, heralding a newfound era of peace and tranquility.


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