Session Three 12/12/23

General Summary

Characters Present: Darfin (Tim M), Zavania (Alyssa), Redla (Melissa), Kasari (Lou), & Zuree (Roxana)   The party returned the owlbear egg to Danny, and in gratitude, he rewarded them with a figurine of wondrous power (flying monkey slave.) Redla decided to claim this intriguing figurine. Undeterred, the party continued their journey towards the cursed shipwreck.   Approaching the shipwreck, they discovered a harpy nest on the upper deck, with the harpy singing a charming melody. This song seemed to be the cause of the shipwreck and the surrounding wrecks of other ships. The harpy noticed the players and fled after their presence was detected.   The group explored the ship, named Compass Rose, and faced challenges such as battling through zombies and ghouls to uncover the origin of these malevolent beings. Progressing through the ship, they reached the lower deck submerged underwater. Swimming through a hole in the ship, they discovered a chest containing the Boots of ElvenKind and a wrapped journal containing a powerful talisman.  
The journal had this entry:   "Our journey is ended, though I fear my own is to continue in the most horrible way imaginable. Compass Rose wrecked on a shoal south of Neverwinter. Many sailors perished with the initial impact, and Aleitha was gravely injured. As I tended her wounds, she clutched her talisman and breathed soft prayers. I asked her what the talisman signified. She told me love. Her husband waits for her at Dragon’s Rest, having pledged his service to the dragon there. The talisman is made from locks of their hair, woven together as a promise to be reunited no matter what fate might befall them. It might have been a beautiful story, had it not been for Aleitha’s gruesome end—and the words of the prayer I heard as she breathed her last. For she was begging Orcus, the Prince of Undeath, to reunite her with her husband. I held her hands as the breath left her, and I felt a horrible chill pass through her. Next I knew, she was sinking her teeth into my neck. At the same moment, I heard moans begin to rise from the dead sailors all around us. What curse has she brought on us all? Already I feel a creeping chill overtaking my body. I am securing her talisman with this book in my chest, in the hope that someone who comes after us may end this nightmare by bringing Aleitha’s talisman to her husband."
About Orcus. Known as the Demon Prince of Undeath and the Blood Lord, the demon lord Orcus is a fiend whose power rivals that of the gods. Ruling over hordes of demons in the nightmarish plane of existence called the Abyss, Orcus yearns to transform the multiverse into a ghastly place of death. Many Undead creatures (like ghouls) worship him or seek to bargain with him in exchange for some fragment of his power over undeath.   Upon returning to the main deck, the players were ambushed by the harpy they had encountered earlier, now joined by an additional harpy. A fierce battle ensued, and just when it seemed overwhelming, a new player character, Zuree, entered the fray, aiding the party in overcoming the harpies. With the harpies defeated, the group decided to return to Dragons Rest.   Back at Dragons Rest, they presented the talisman to Elder Runara. However, instead of immediately handing it over, the party questioned Runara's intentions. Concerned that she might use the talisman to cause harm, especially after witnessing its destructive capabilities, they hesitated to trust her completely. Runara remained patient but became offended when Kasari pressed her too much. There were no clear indicators to show that Runara had ill intent with the talisman.   Redla decided to offer up the talisman to Runara, hoping to gain favor and ease tensions. Runara accepted the talisman, explaining that she could destroy it, eliminating the source of the zombies and ghouls plaguing the isle.

Rewards Granted

Boots of Elvenkind - Found by Redla. Gifted to Darfin. Recovered from a sunken treasure chest at the bottom of the ocean floor.
Report Date
12 Dec 2023
Primary Location


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