Session Twenty 6/4/24

General Summary

Characters Present: Finkelstein (Tim D), Kasar/Gungus (Lou), Darfin (Tim M), Roland (Zack), Zavania (Alyssa).   The session began with a tense, drawn-out battle against the raiding Redbrands, who were bolstered by their hill giant allies. The Redbrands attacked in three strategic groups, flanking the north, west, and southeast sections of the wood elf village of Havashara. The village residents quickly mobilized to defend their home, while the party took up advantageous positions on the bridges spanning the elven tree homes.   From these vantage points, the party launched a barrage of projectiles—spell fire, arrows, and even dwarven hammers—down on the oncoming forces. As the defenders held the line, Silvanus prepared a devastating spell, calling upon the forces of nature. As the Redbrand numbers dwindled, Silvanus unleashed his spell, summoning a reinforcing horde of woodland creatures that stormed the village, wiping out the remaining enemies. The battle for Havashara was won.  

A Plea for Help

  With the immediate threat neutralized, Darfin's parents, Narf and Arva, approached the party with a desperate plea. Arva, the village healer, explained that Redbrand raiding parties and their hill giant allies had been cutting off supply routes, preventing her from gathering the necessary ingredients for curatives, healing balms, and potions. She pointed the party to Forest Hill, a resource-rich area now overrun by hill giants—the likely source of the Redbrands' giant allies.   Narf, Darfin's father, offered to craft powerful items for the party if they helped defeat the Redbrands and their hill giant allies. The party agreed, and Arva provided each member with two potions of superior healing from her dwindling stocks.  

A Warning and a Journey

As the party prepared to depart, Silvanus pulled Kasari aside, addressing him as the "son of Belial" and warning him to exercise caution in The High Forest. He mentioned sensing a darkening presence in the forest, suggesting that the troubles facing the goodly folk of the area might go beyond a mere band of organized criminals.   The party then set out for Forest Hill. Along the way, they encountered a pair of Naga who requested tales of their adventures. Finkelstein obliged, singing a song that recounted the party's encounters with demons, dragons, and noblemen. In gratitude, one of the Naga regurgitated a Helm of Comprehending Languages, which Finkelstein humbly accepted.

The Hill Giant Camp

  Upon reaching Forest Hill, the party discovered a camp of hill giants in a low section of the area, surrounded by high hills. The party strategically positioned themselves around the camp, using the high ground to their advantage. As they prepared to strike, they witnessed an unexpected scene: the giants arguing over ingredients for a stew, only to be scolded by a 4-foot-tall human child, who emerged from the shrubs barking orders. The child reminded the giants of their duties to the Redbrands and seemed to command their respect.  

Ambush and Revelation

  Seizing the moment, Roland initiated the attack, striking down one of the giants. The child, startled and fearful, ordered the giants to kill the intruders and hid in the nearby shrubs. Thanks to their advantageous positions, powerful abilities, and coordinated efforts, the party swiftly dispatched the giants.   Kasari quickly located the hiding child, who pleaded for his life. Suspicious of the child's true nature, Darfin shot an arrow into the child's left buttock. The child, in pain, continued to plead, revealing no signs of being anything other than a frightened human boy.   With the giants defeated and the mysterious child in their custody, the party prepared to uncover more about the Redbrands' plans.

Rewards Granted

  • Arva provided 2 potions of superior healing to each of the party members

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The party defeated the Redbrand assualt on the wood elf village, Havashara.
  • The party was tasked with defeated the hill giants from Forest Hill so that the village people could have an easier time collect resources from that area to aid in Arva's craft as a healer.
Report Date
04 Jun 2024
Primary Location


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