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Rock of Bral

"The weathered deckhand leaned back in his creaking chair and drained the mug of ale. “Bralian ale is the best in the Known spheres,” he declared, drawing the back of one hand across his mouth. “‘Course, It’s not Bralian, but then I suppose nothing is. Best part o’ living in Wildspace is choosing from the very finest groundling lagers. And I’ sure we’re all appreciative of somebody’s care in their brewing.” He straightened up and signaled for another round for his table. The barkeep, a rogue beholder, caught the spacefarer’s gesture (The advantage of 11 eyes: they rarely miss a patron’s call for service) and sent a freshly drawn mug bobbing through the air, to the old regular. “My thanks, Luigi. Where’d you get this fine brew, anyway?”
“It came in on the last Neogi trader,” the beholder said, not actually speaking but making its thoughts known.
The spacer choked and spat. “Neogi!”
“Well, not really. A groundling galleon brought it in yesterday.”
Staring at the dark ale in his mug, the spacefarer shuddered and finally resumed drinking. Who said beholders didn’t have a sense of humor? He thought blackly."
The Rock of Bral is filled with the most outlandish collection of traders, rogues, mercenaries, pirates, and thugs imaginable. Law and order are virtually nonexistent; there is no City Watch. There are two rules you need to remember when visiting Bral: one, mind your own business; and two, enough gold can fix anything. As you move through Low City the cacophony of a hundred different languages fills your senses as Vendors hawk their wares. Bold spacefarers walk down the streets seeking taverns and less reputable places to squander their gold. As you pass into Middle City, however, the streets start clear a bit, and the taverns are replaced with shops of a higher quality. From here Andru’s palace can be seen, rising above the grime of the city just beyond the noble villas.  
The Rock of Bral was founded by pirate refugees who escaped planet Toril after an Astral Dreadnaught tore through their home of Saltmarsh almost three hundred years ago. They fled to the stars only to find an asteroid they nicknamed the Rock of Bral after their late captain who died on Toril. The small group of pirates called themselves the “Black Brotherhood” and they grew a town from nothing. At this time the pirate captains ruled the Rock making decisions by popular consensus. But as the city grew so did the variety of its inhabitants where the majority were no longer pirates but merchants and tavern keepers. One of the pirate captains named Cozar systematically and quietly bought every square foot of land on the Rock. Then, they evicted any pirate who could not produce a legitimate business or lease. There was push back of course but the townspeople were tired of the endless brawling and quickly sided with Cozar. Thus the House of Cozar was born. Prince Cozar ruled long and wisely, building the Rock into a legitimate center for trade. He established the Rock’s first code of law and formed a militia to protect it from outside forces. Unfortunately, all this hard work would be undone by his son Prince Frun who only concerned himself with the accumulation of wealth and…comforts. After Frun’s passing the throne went to his second son Prince Andru as his firstborn went mysteriously missing after their father’s death. Andru, the current leader of the Rock was described as a serious, intelligent man and is often compared with his grandfather Cozar. Under his leadership, Bral’s army has doubled in size and its Navy tripled.  
High City
Middle City
Lower City
Founding Date
1703 DR
Trade post


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