Spelljammer Academy Organization in Realmspace | World Anvil
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Spelljammer Academy

  Welcome to Spelljammer Academy! Promising recruits are trained here under the tutelage of experienced spelljammers, who prepare fledgling spacefarers for the perils of Wildspace. Cadets learn the finer points of ship-to-ship combat, space exploration, and (in some cases) clandestine operations.  
After the Azure Sea was desimated by an Astral Dreadnaught, the Forgotten Realms decided to ban together in the year 1536 DR and form the Spelljammer Acadamy. Knowing that outside help would never come in the defense of Toril they strove to protect the world from far greater threats. Spelljammer Academy trains cadets for service as Spelljammers and members of the Spelljammer Corps: a magical navy sworn to protect Toril and to explore other worlds beyond. As this idea grew so did the acadamy's roster, commanding an impressive fleet of over 650 Spelljammers at any given time. The academy resides in a secret location west of Waterdeep.  
Officer Overview
Mirt the Merciless: Academy Director
Boatswain Tarto: Spelljamming Corps Training Officer
Saerthe Abizjn: Spelljamming Training Officer
Sor'kur: Receptionist
Pik and Kip Wistleslap: Ship Inspectors
Mister Blip: Academy Quartermaster
Winston Ryeback: Academy Cook


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