"Four Seasons"


"Four Seasons" is called such due to its rather unusual topography. The park's region is well known for the common saying "you can experience all four seasons in the same day", although this depends on what region of the park one visits. The Four Seasons region has a fairly stable climate, with frequent rain in the spring and summer, and relatively little snow compared to other regions of Laramidia in the winter. This is due to the mountains surrounding the region, which block the majority of of large weather systems and direct them around the valley during the winter months. The mountains surrounding the park are tall enough to retain their snowcaps all throughout the year, with lower elevation peaks and ridges staying relatively cool. Lower valleys also often retain their snow deep into the spring, due to little sunlight reaching their deepest points until late in the season.

Fauna & Flora

The region is home to a wide array of animals, due to the different ecological systems at play. Hosting a wide array of natural environments, there is a well developed ecosystem within the park. Marshes are plentiful and home to beaver, muskrats, moose, and seasonally are the nesting grounds for a wide array of waterfowl. Many species of small ungulate also roam the park, such as deer and pronghorn. Black and Grizzly bears are not uncommon in the mountains alongside other large predators like wolves and mountain lions.


The Four Seasons Park is considered one of the more family friendly parks in the LNPS network, with many more amenities to the public, easier hiking trails, and closer proximity to shopping centers and other tourist attractions. Rather than open air campgrounds, the park has small 'cabin towns' in designated areas, providing hard shelter to tourists that don't wish to sleep in tents or campground vehicles. These cabins are fairly simple, consisting only of a bathroom, up to two bedrooms, a storage area, and small kitchenette, encouraging visitors to spend the majority of their time out and about within the park itself. Most cabins also have charging stations, park maps, and visitor guides available nearby. The trails and hiking paths network throughout the entire park and are well maintained to allow easy access to visitors of all ages. Frequent rest stops and charging stations ensure that no matter where one stops in the park, there is shelter nearby in case of storms and bad weather, as well as points to call for emergency or park services.   Skiing and snowboarding are popular activities at Four Seasons, no matter the time of year. The many glacial melt points also provide ample opportunity for whitewater rafting through the steep streams and creeks, though these activities are often closed in the spring and winter due to safety concerns with high volumes of snowmelt and frozen areas of rivers.
Natural Wonder


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