LNP Ranger's Outpost- Lucin

Outpost Lucin is one of many asset locations within the Yellowstone Gulf National Park. Lucin is unique in that due to its estranged location from other outposts, many of its rangers will live at the base full time on average for 4-8 months of the year before being given a minimum of 4 months off. Due to it being located so far away from any other outpost or towns outside of the park, Lucin has a reputation for hosting the most brutal of the park's rangers who are willing to survive anything, and also among locals, has a reputation for having the most injuries of them all throughout the year, particularly in winter.   Lucin is manned at all times with a minimum of 4 rangers at any given time- one medical staff, one ranger trained in search and rescue, and two other rangers. Usually, it is during winter that the outpost will only have four rangers on duty, with other less brutal seasons seeing a higher staff rate, especially during training months.

Industry & Trade

LNP Rangers often trade with the Pack of Ferventi and other outposts for supplies, and notably at the start of every season stock up on supplies such as food, medical equipment, and tools to last for weeks at a time.


LNP Outpost Lucin is a small mountainside outpost in the outer reaches of the Yellowstone Gulf National Park. It is made up of a main cabin, 5 fire watch towers, and various smaller utilities. There is a veterinary clinic on site, as the Lucin Outpost is primarily used for health studies and emergency care of the park's wildlife.  

Main Cabin

  It is built to withstand many extremes of weather including but not limited to wildfires, earthquakes, blizzards, and flooding. The main building of the outpost is a log cabin with stilts keeping it off the ground with a large stone fireplace for heat should the heating systems fail. It is equip with multiple solar panels on the roof and small wind turbines nearby fitted to nearby trees, and a generator powered by bio fuel that is often made on site from recycled food waste.   The interior of the cabin is simple and made for practicality rather than comfort, with little in ways of decoration other than what is brought by the rangers themselves. Living spaces are small, with little room other than beds and clothing storage, and the kitchen is bare-bones with a counter, table, basic sink, refrigerator, and an old gas range stove, with almost all other cooking equipment having been brought by the rangers themselves. A fireplace dominates the main living area which is fitted with scavenged furniture from other LNP outposts and renovations.  

Fire Towers

There are 5 fire towers in the outpost, all at the perimeter of the outpost. They serve the function of their namesake, to keep a watch out for wildfires, but also are frequently used for other duties such as radioing other outposts as each is equip with long range communications, shelter during storms, and often utilized by rangers on their breaks for star gazing or to eat. Each tower has access to fire fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers, smoke masks and respirators, and emergency medical kits. All of the towers are made out of wood and a waterproofed fabric covering, all of which have been heavily sprayed with fire proofing over the years.  

Communications Tower

  Situated at the top of the mountain and in back of the main cabin, the communications tower is a large steel structure at the highest point with cables running to all of Lucin Outpost's buildings. It has a perpetually blinking red light at the top of the tower to avoid being hit by low flying planes or helicopters, and will have a green light at the top turn on when active. The area around the tower also functions as a landing pad for emergency helicopters and is frequently trimmed of trees and large plants.  

Storage cabin

Smaller but similarly built to the main cabin, the storage building has none of the amenities for living and is instead used solely for storing supplies and food. All firearms and ammunition are stored in this cabin under lock and key, which can only be accessed with two separate keys from two separate rangers to open. Primarily, the cabin holds all of the outpost's food supplies, with multiple large freezers for meat and vegetables and a room dedicated solely to storing non-perishable goods such as canned food, pastas, coffee, and dried meat and grains.  

Vet Clinic

  A basic vet clinic with a small surgery area for treating injured animals and well stocked with medical supplies and tranquilizers. The vet clinic is also often used to treat minor injuries sustained by staff, although with separate supplies.


  • Multiple solar panels and small wind turbines
  • Biofuel refinery and generator
  • Multiple animal traps and cages
  • Multiple hunting rifles, tranquilizer rifles
  • Communications network to LNP radio towers and other outposts within the park
  • 2 Snowmobiles
  • Large emergency weather survival kit
  • Vet clinic
Outpost / Base
Inhabitant Demonym
LNP Rangers
Characters in Location


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