Fall of Batterion


Long before the human era, fledgling versions of the flights known today battled for dominance amongst themselves and each other, with many flights facing extinction, and many being borne from the bloodshed. Powerful wyrms rose and fell like clockwork, wars raged and quelled, and time passed as it always did, shaping the land, drying and swelling the seas. A great wyrm, Batterion, outstripped the local flights in their size and power, threatening to devour all if not given proper respect as the greatest dragon to live. Batterion demanded of the local flights their leaders pay them in their hunts, their profits and prey to first be subject to the might wyrm's whims and hunger.   Batterion only grew larger, feasting on the fear and dominance they held over the flights themselves. Those that resisted quickly found the dragon's wings blotted out the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky itself whenever they took flight, and would easily feast upon defiant wyrms themselves. Batterion continued to grow, more and more flights under their wings. Mammoth and great sloths were naught but snacks, entire forests but a salad, every beast and soon the entire world to be a small meal for the beast. Soon Batterion flew across entire continents, entire kingdoms, devouring all for nothing was enough.   Our of fear that their kin were to be consumed, any act of living seen as defiance, the flights banded together and created a feast in secret. Braised cats, charred sloth, the rhinos and land-birds skinned plucked and stuffed, buried in a great pit and cooked by lava to draw the wyrm's attention to the scent. The corpses of the great hunt held secrets, laced with poisons most foul, masked with spices and blood liquors. The Wyrm feasted for three days, each meal shoveled into their maw with more poison for than the last, growing sluggish, tired, larger and yet more dead until naught but a corpse themself. In celebration, the smaller flights, now free, stuffed their corpse with hot stones and braised their body with the blood of the fallen until their flesh turned to a black char, the poisons seeping from their flesh across the land like lava, foul smelling and noxious, a last act of harm, finally buried by time.

Historical Basis

If there is any historical basis to the myth, it is likely that the dragon Batterion has been attributed to many acts by powerful flight leaders of the past. Details are certainly exaggerated, but many records tell tale of large and powerful wyrms subjugating multiple smaller flights and absorbing them under their influence and demanding tribute. Many believe that the myth is used to explain deposits of basalt across much of Asia from powerful basalt flood eruptions, the rock deposits claimed to be represented in the myth as Batterion's poisoned blood.   The actual historical dragon Batterion is believed by many to be an early example of the hypo-heavy or type B heavy bodytype in dragons, which may explain how the dragon grew to such massive proportions, as well as noted deformities in the actual figure's body, such as a disproportionate head and limbs to his body. Parts of the Blood Dragonflight also claims ancestry to the actual figure, with a subset of the flight calling themselves 'Batterons'   In the modern day, there is a holiday surrounding the myth of Batterion, called the Batterion Feast.

Cultural Reception

In draconic culture, the myth of Batterion has significant influence. It is heavily influential on political and cultural art- While most depictions of Batterion themself are fairly consistent of a massive black, white, and red wyrm, Batterion's image has been used to represent individuals in political art by most often drawing figures either with Batterion's colors, or putting their color scheme on the image of Batterion.   The name Batterion has also come to be a grave insult in draconic culture, and one that is meant to be taken as a dire warning of one's own actions. To be called Batterion is to be called a black hole of gluttony, pride, and all consuming hatred, with the idea that should that individual continue down that path, their own peers will strike them down.


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