
Dragontongue is the language spoken by the Dragons and Omnia, consisting of two forms- Spoken, which is often low rumbles and sub-bass sounds too low for most non-dragonkin to hear, and Physical, consisting of the body language, posture, and facial features used. Both forms can be used at once, which is how most of the language is used, but the language can also function purely in Spoken or purely in Physical, especially when blind or deaf individuals are being conversed with.   Although omnia and dragons are perfectly able to understand one another, the language does have its differences depending on its speaker. Dragons rely much heavier on body language and gestures, but omnia typically only use traditional gestures during territorial challenges and threat displays, even among one another. It is incredibly rare to see omnia only use the physical form of dragontongue, almost always being in situations where in speaking is not allowed or otherwise impossible.   Draconic Body Language is massively important, just as much as the spoken word when among dragons. Not utilizing body language and gestures properly when speaking to a dragon can often mean that the speaker will come across as monotone at best, or may be ignoring important social cues at worst.

Geographical Distribution

Dragontongue is spoken wherever there are dragons, though usage is strongly depending on population density. Although many dragons have extreme difficulty using mortal languages themselves, they can understand others and may at times use their written forms.  


Different accents and dialects exist within the different flights, with greater differences in the oldest flights from newer ones.


Dragontongue maintains six main different tenses in two categories- emotional and time based. Emotional tenses are aggressive, passive, and friendly tenses, mostly dictated by a dragon's body language. Time based tenses are past, future, and present, more dictated by the spoken portion of the language. Emotional tenses are often only used in the spoken form when those a dragon or omnia is speaking to is out of sight.

Sentence Structure

Dragontongue is complex in its sentence structure as the language primarily is just as much spoken as it is acted through body language. For the most part, the body language is inseparable from the spoken word, hinging much of how the language is used in being able to see and interact with the other party face to face.


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