Eclipsion Dragonflight

The Eclipsion Dragonflight is a new flight, formed during the War of the Moon by deserters from the Solar Dragonflight and Lunar Dragonflights. The group primarily is made up of solar dragons, which there have been many groups of dissenters of Aien's leadership in the past, though no true organized effort to en-mass cause a coup or uprising against him. Many rumors from within the flight speak to that prior to his death, there had been plans for another social movement, though most are unconfirmed.   Primarily, the Eclipsion flight align themselves against their ancestors and previous allies, most notably, Neia Lun De Draco, and work against her forces. Although most eclipsions themselves do not partake in physical conflicts within the War of the Moon, most are highly skilled in persuading their former brethren to at minimum, cast aside the lunar flight and their ideals.


Shared customary codes and values

Unlike their lunar and solar predecessors, the Eclipsions vehemently despise the treatment of mortals and omnia that their kind has brought upon them and stand firmly against the likes of Neia and Aien. Rather than stances of denying culpability, such as that of the Solar flight, many of the Eclipsion have taken a code of brutal honesty in their direct involvement of the war crimes and genocides committed, and seek to repair damage caused, without expectation of forgiveness.   A strong majority of the flight also do not seek to cause further bloodshed among their own kind, as most do not wish to do battle with their brothers, sisters, and extended families. Rather, most put themselves to work in political and social measures, manipulating their ties to the two groups to get others to join their cause and leave warfare behind. A great many are also involved in reversing the propaganda spread by the Lunar flight in particular, working closely with mortals to fact check news media, suppress bad information, and call for the resignations of politicians complicit in it.   Likely temporary, members of the Eclipsion flight identify themselves by scarification on their shoulders, necks, and wings in the shape of a crescent overlapping the rune for the solar flight.
Languages spoken

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