Laramidia National Park Services

The Laramidia National Park Services are a grouping of careers centered around the Laramidia National Parks, particularly the Yellowstone Gulf National Park. They are a government service primarily focused on the preservation, protection, and education about Laramidia's ecosystem, ecology, and environment.


Career Progression

The Laramidia National Park Services is made up of a variety of careers centered around the national parks. Although there are many separate careers within the service, most are trained generally in a variety of fields before specializing and can fill in for others where and when they are needed.   Laramidia National Park Guides are centered around visitors to the parks, performing tours for hikes and exploration, along with search and rescue operations for missing and lost visitors to the park. They also perform the majority of education in the park about the local flora, fauna, and ecosystem.   Laramidia National Park Rangers focus more on the animals and plants in the parks, performing many of the duties associated such as trapping, tracking, and veterinary care. Rangers also specialize in the tracking and removal of poachers and illegal hunting in the parks, acting often as a secondary form of law enforcement within the park.

Other Benefits

All members of the LNPS are equip with medical care, access to outposts and ranger stations year round, and other benefits such as free food and drink within the park, living arrangements, and free access for themselves and their families to the parks free of charge.



All workers of the Laramidia National Parks are equip with a variety of tools, equipment, and supplies for a wide variety of scenarios.   Primarily, all workers are provided with living arrangements during their active service to the park in the form of ranger stations, outposts, and cabins. All living arrangements are equip with running water, heat, and frequent delivery of food and groceries. These living arrangements are often small, hosting between 3-5 workers at a time in often shared bedrooms to save on space. Internet, radio, and television services are provided, along with communications with all other cabins in the parks.   Rifles and firearms are also provided to all LNPS workers, due to the danger of wildlife and their interaction with them. These are meant primarily for self defense in the event of animal attack, but also are permitted for hunting during the hunting season. Among firearms, tranquilizer guns are also provided and the primary tool used by the Laramidia National Park Rangers for dealing with aggressive or injured wildlife.   Survival gear is also critical, with first aid kits being replenished and replaced at least twice a month, with medical supplies for even grievous injury due to the long travel between the parks and hospitals.   All workers are also provided with access to a variety of transportation and vehicles, such as jeeps, offload vehicles. small biplanes, and helicopters if necessary for scouting, search and rescue, and regular operations within the parks.


Workplaces provided by the LNPS are often small and rather bare bones, focusing on entirely what is necessary.   Radio centers are fitted into every workspace, providing communication with all LNPS buildings and assets within the park. Similarly, green energy is supplied to all buildings most often in the form of solar panels and generators along with water collectors and purifiers, to provide energy and water.   All LNPS buildings are also fitted with some form of basic first aid and fire control center, as services from ambulances and fire fighters are often quite far away and take some time to arrive within the parks.   The staff centers often are the central hubs, having storage areas for food, supplies, and fuel for multiple stations and outposts to refill from. These hubs also often have a mechanic and extra vehicles, and a small runway or helipad.

Dangers & Hazards

Due to a life far from towns and cities within the park, there is a high risk of injury from wildfires, animal attack, and crime, and the risks associated with a lack of law enforcement and long travel to get to a hospital.
Alternative Names
Laramidia National Park Workers, LNPS

Articles under Laramidia National Park Services


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