Rivanu Dragonflight


The Rivanu Flight was driven to extinction by the year 3045 after numerous conflicts with the Solar Dragonflight and Lunar Dragonflights. Europe and western Asia, the areas the flight typically nested, had long since been under heavy contention by the Solar Flight in particular, and the smaller Rivanus were not able to keep the more numerous solar dragons at bay for long, falling prey to the ever growing war machine set forth by their leader, Aien Sol De Draco.   It is thought that in tandem with his mate Neia Lun De Draco, Aien utilized the combined powers of their own flights to continuously raid Rivanu dragons' nesting areas during breeding seasons and destroy any eggs laid or kill any hatchlings present. Evidence for this is scarce, but human records from the time period often mention dragons killing one another in the same general areas. It's thought that the surviving members of the flight, after decades and centuries of constant harassment and genocide, eventually joined other dragonflights, many of which being captured by the Solar Flight themselves.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Rivanu Flight was primarily known for being relatively peaceful, both to other dragonflights and mortals. Little is known about their cultural ideals and norms from historical records aside from the fact that even mortals had begun to recognize dragons in this group as being safe to interact with, communicating this to their companions. Some human settlements were known to appear around the nesting sites of Rivanu dragons, utilizing them as protection and the dragons in turn using humans as an early warning system.
Encompassed species
Related Myths
Languages spoken


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