

  Immortality- A widely varying condition, that at its weakest form provides an immunity to death from aging. Found in gods, dragons, and omnia, although in different forms. Can also be granted to individuals as a blessing from a god.   Mortal- A sentient being who is not an omnia, dragon, god, or through other circumstances immortal. Includes the majority of humanoid races.   Shia's Dead- A wide variety of those who under many circumstances have died and been revived by Shia, the God of Death. Shia's dead can be of any race but also can be animals as well. They are often in a wide variety of states, some being 'fresh' and hardly changed from the state they were in life and others heavily decomposed. All Shia's Dead, should their eyes still remain, have them completely filled in with white, thought to be an effect of being brought back from Limbo.   Exorcist- A term for a type of medical doctor that specializes in the study, removal, and curing of magical curses.   Inquisitor- A kind of detective that specializes in investigating the use of forbidden magic or worshipping of banned gods within one or more cults. It can also refer to someone who is too nosey.   Monster Hunter- A term that specifically refers to someone who focuses on combating and subduing magical creatures. It is a term that is rarely used in the modern day due to how common magic is. In the past it was typically used by humans to refer to exterminators, animal control, or hunters that specialized in dealing with magical or mutated creatures.   Witch Hunter- A term that specifically refers to someone who specializes in fighting mortals that wield magic in combat. It is a term that is rarely used in modern day due to how common magic is. In the past it was typically used by humans to refer to soldiers, or bounty hunters that specialized in combating people that could wield magic.   Wizard- A specific type of scientist that studies magic, spells, and mana.   Zombie- A corpse that has been infected and puppeted by one or more strains of cordycep known as zombie fungi.  


  Humanoid- Humanoid is a term describing the origins of a race, not necessarily it's appearance. Humanoid races are all races descended from a common ancestor somewhere on the family tree of Humans. Often, humanoid races are much more resistant to magic, at the cost of being less proficient in it's use.   Divine- Divine is a term describing the origins of a race, all divine races may trace their lineage directly back to the gods, often one god in particular.   Dragonkin- Dragonkin is a term describing the origins of a race. All dragonkin races are either dragons themselves, descended from dragons, or created by the dragons. They often share many traits with dragons such as territorial behavior, a proficiency in magic, and some form of Immortality.  


  Mana- A particular form of elemental magic stemming from the The Major Gods. Mana comes in the form of fire, earth, wind, water, and formerly lightning. This magic becomes stronger in closer proximity to the major god controlling it, or their areas of dominance and holidays.   Aura- The evaporated form of an essence, pure magic that is generally used as fuel for spells.  


  God- Extraordinary beings with almost limitless power, immortality, extreme magic, and highly revered. Gods were born from the chaotic magic unleashed by the dragons and have grown far passed what they once were. 'God' also is a gender neutral term, referring to those that were born into the position.   Goddess- A gender neutral term, a goddess is a specific type of god, one that was not born into the position. All goddesses are born mortal, and not demigods or a god's heir. Usually, goddesses become so through extraordinary feats, usually by being involved in killing a god themselves. Very rarely, a god will die without an heir and no one suitable for the position is found, and a random person may be elevated to be a goddess. Due to having been born as mortals, goddesses are typically given much more respect from both the divine and mortal alike.   Demigod- All children of gods who are not their heir are considered demigods. Demigods may, but not always, have extraordinary power not typically seen in mortals inherited from their divine parent. Most demigods are not immortal, but may have extended lifespans. Often, demigods are Omnia.   Fallen God- A god that is no longer worshipped, having died and been replaced by another. Fallen gods typically will have their names and images removed across the world under the belief that continuing to use it will result in a loss of power for their successor or that doing so may be an insult to the new god.   Local Pantheon/God- A cultural phenomenon where a defined region will typically worship the same god or group of gods. Often, this is due to a shared cultural identity where in the region benefits from worshipping the same or similar gods, creating an instance where the majority of the population will have similar beliefs and patrons. This can also be the result of family tradition in areas of lower population that are typically controlled or heavily influenced by single families.     Boons- Powerful blessings given by the gods that vary wildly, depending on the god, context it is given, and a god's favor. Boons often have an extreme cost to the person using it that also varies, and many are considered curses because the cost heavily outweighs the benefit. Boons directly draw on a god's own power, and the more people using a god's boon at once, the weaker the god who granted them becomes.   Cult- The following and religious group of a god.   Patron Gods- A patron god is the god a person worships and elevates above all others. For most, these are typically The Major Gods, although many mortals will choose among the Minor Gods for their patron.   Devout- A person who has a patron god, to describe the relationship with that god. (Ex: Lorenzo, who has Yung as a patron god, would be a Devout of Yung, but not a devout of another god, such as Svrar.)   Altar- A place where a god is worshipped and offerings given, typically for personal use. Altars can take on many forms, typically belonging to a singular person or family group. Generally, altars are quite small and prone to being heavily personalized. Most feature a depiction of the god or their symbols, and will not be used for multiple gods.   Shrine- Shrines are larger than altars, however will typically fulfill the same function. Shrines are more often used during festivals and holidays as they can generally hold more offerings to a god than a singular altar can. Shrines also are typically used by groups of people, many of which are for public use. Desecration of shrines is much more common than that of altars due to them often being in public places.   Temple- Temples are major facilities dedicated to a god and often where a god's priests will work collecting offerings and requests of the god's followers. They host ceremonies, holidays, and will create shrines and sell or give out items for the creation of altars and shrines. Temples are extremely well protected and almost always fueled with a portion of the ruling god's own power, and as such are not often desecrated. Considered holy ground, temples are most often protected under the rules of a god's own word rather than local law.  


  Nishka- A tearm of endearment within the Pack of Ferventi, meaning one's most beloved (platonic) companion.   M'deah- A romantic term of endearment, derived from a fallen god of romantic love's name.


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