Traditions & Holidays in Rebia | World Anvil
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Traditions & Holidays


List of Events

Election Week

Location: Bes Democracy
Date: Second week of Frosmeet
Traditions: The scheduled events and elections are held in the capital Bin, and many travel from around the nation to attend hearings, debates and to support their favoured candidate or party. Painting your face or wearing colours associated with the party you support is common, and the streets of Bin are decorated in yellow and red lanyards and pennants. The largest celebration is on the second to last day, when people stay up late to view the final debate and election results in the city square next to the Akchay River, partying and socializing until the sun rises.
Participants: The participants are mainly those involved in politics or those with a vested interest in the political climate of the democracy.
Description: Every year elections for government officials are held in the second week of Frosmeet. The celebrations are grander and the number of observers are the highest on the year when a new President is elected.


Location: Bes Democracy
Date: Frosmeet 24th
Traditions: Artists and crafters collaborate to create an art piece in the city square next to the Akchay River, honouring Marqas. Being chosen for this task is a life goal for many artists, not only in Bes but in other parts of the world as well. In people's homes, it's common to meet up with friends and family to create something and display it outside your home, and many enjoy taking walks around the different neighbourhoods in the evening to view the creations. The festivities also include an award ceremony for prominent scientific discoveries or inventions.
Participants: The traditions are observed all over Bes, but the largest happening is in Bin where the award ceremony is held.
Description: Marqes is named after the first Father President of Bes Democracy: Marqas TaTemahu, and is focused on highlighting the arts and science.

Imperial Celebration

Location: Southern Givziean Empire
Date: 5th-8th of Nightwain
Traditions: The Imperial Parade is the main event of the celebrations, where floats and marching soldiers parade the streets of Wat starting from Sunrise Road, through Pigridge, Sunside, Kintringet's Gate, Mistwater and ending in Eastown by the Imperial Palace. Smaller parades are held in other settlements, and many like making their own floats and costumes to join in. Competitions for best float or parade decoration are often held, but not in the capital where security is tighter. The celebrations end with a fireworks show as the parade enters Eastown, and many settlements hold their own fireworks shows for their inhabitants.
Participants: Mainly observed by those living in the capital Wat or who are in service to the imperial army.
Description: The Imperial celebrations are held in honour of The Emperor, with a focus on military prowess and showing the nations and its people's strength and capabilities.

Abaree Diplomatic Ball

Location: Duchy of Abar
Date: The date of the first full moon in the month of Paleight
Traditions: The ball itself includes a grand feast, dancing, socializing and an exhibit. The exhibit allows guests to display items of master craftsmanship. There is no rule in what can be displayed and can range from the arcane arts to music or blacksmithing. Some items are sold in an auction at the event. In the rest of the nation, many noble houses choose to host their own balls to mimic the official one, and due to the high number of foreign dignitaries present in the land, many meetings and events centre around their tours of the nation.
Participants: The ball is for the high nobility of Abar and invited government officials of the world. Depending on the political climate, some nations might not be allowed to send representatives.
Description: The Abaree Diplomatic Ball is a grand celebration held in the in the capital Abar. The purpose of the ball is to uphold diplomatic relations and allow the guests to show areas that they themselves, their family or maybe even their nations excel in.


Location: Worldwide
Date: Paleight 15th
Traditions: Visiting burial sites, and creating shrines for those who passed is common on this day. It is always a sign of bad luck for followers of Saol to harm spiders, but even those who usually don't take much note of this tend to be on the lookout for spiders and move them out of harm's way. A tradition that is especially popular among the younger participants is to dress up in scary costumes and visit others' homes. To make sure Saol doesn't send sickness and death, the one who answers the door must offer something to the visitors. This can be a trinket, a toy or sweets and baked goods.
Participants: The holiday is primarily observed by those who follow Denaryn belief, but it has started to gain popularity among those who might not normally celebrate the Denaryn deites.
Description: Saolfinger is a holiday that is centred around honouring the dead, and paying tribute to Saol so that he does not take your life sooner than needed.

Independence Day

Location: Hauls Theocracy
Date: Paleight 20th
Traditions: The Torchbearer appears with military representatives to raise the Haulsian flag outside Yuethin Temple. An orchestrated mounted performance is held with mounts dressed in Haulsian armour and adorned with flags. Businesses are closed during the day and the people are encouraged to do as little labor as possible.
Participants: This holiday is observed by all Hauls people
Description: Independence day is a national holiday in Hauls where the population celebrates Hauls independence from Bes Democracy and is meant to strengthen the view of the nation as a single entity.


Location: Worldwide
Date: 22nd-23rd of Eldfyll
Traditions: Courting someone you are interested in, proposing and choosing this date for your marriage ceremony is common. Many craft and wear flower crowns and decorate their home with flowers and garlands. People tend to dress up in their most colourful garments on this day.
Participants: Seecress is observed primarily by those looking for a spouse, or who likes romantic gestures, stories and the likes, but many still like to create a flower crown to wear.
Description: Originally a Denaryn celebration, Seecress is centred around love and relationships. Not much of the Denaryn traditions are observed.

Seeds Caress

Location: Worldwide
Date: Eldfyll 30th
Traditions: Communities gather to share their harvest, cook meals and spend time with family and spouses, often clad in colourful garments with crafted flower crowns and flower garlands. Farmers often weave parts of their harvest into the garments in different ways, to ensure a good harvest next season. Marriage ceremonies are common occurrences on these dates where Seeds faithful can be blessed for a happy and loving life together.
Participants: The holiday is primarily observed by those who follow Denaryn belief and has been adapted to the rest of the world in the celebrations of Seecress.
Description: Seeds Caress celebrations are centred around fertility, nature and harvest. The holiday pays tribute to Seed, the God of Fertility in the Denaryn pantheon.


Location: Worldwide
Date: Lowsun 28th
Traditions: Spending time outside in the sun and lighting up the house with arcane or traditional means is common, and many choose to decorate with golden and yellow accents. The Yennas feast is held at home and attendees spend time on this day thinking about all that they are grateful for and often expressing it to their loved ones.
Participants: This is a widely observed tradition, and it's often shameful not to have a Yennas to attend since it often means you don't have close friends or family to celebrate it with.
Description: Originally a Denaryn celebration, Yennas is centred around love and relationships. Some of the Denaryn traditions are observed.

Yens Gaze

Location: Worldwide
Date: Lowsun 29th
Traditions: Friends and family gather together to enjoy a meal together, either outside in the sunlight or by a south-facing window. During the meal, you should voice out all that you are thankful for and set out an altar to Yen where it can catch the sunlight. The altar should feature gilded objects, but for those who don't have the means they instead opt for fools gold or yellow things. Sunbathing is an activity that mainly those in Lothie culture do on this day, even though their skin is sensitive to the light. It's believed to purify the body and allow for good things to enter the days to come. Bad weather on Yens Gaze is a bad omen, and means that one must put in more work in service to the gods and improving on your life.
Participants: The holiday is primarily observed by those who follow Denaryn belief and has been adapted to the rest of the world in the celebrations of Yennas.
Description: Yens Gaze celebrations are centred around family, friends and thanking Yen for all the good things that one have in life. The holiday pays tribute to Yen, the Goddess of the Sun in the Denaryn pantheon.


Location: Worldwide
Date: Redfall 27th
Traditions: Large bonfires are put together and lit. It's also popular among children to carve or use other wooden crafts with sticks to create smiling figures and faces to decorate the home and the streets with. Fireshows and dances are held. The small town of Yeierrande in Hauls Theocracy is famous for its decorations this holiday, and many venture there to see it.
Participants: Primarily observed by those who follow the Kindle of Grey faith, but even those who don't ususally like to attend the bonfires, crafting and dances.
Description: Firelight is a celebration in honour of Prime in the Kindle of Grey faith. Rites are centred around fire, dancing and music.

Lose-A Lonlo

Location: Worldwide
Date: 2 weeks, starting on the first Lunday of Greyset
Traditions: The 2 week long fast has strict rules for what can and can't be consumed, and what sort of work is allowed to be done. It is frowned upon to do anything that might be considered excessive, and many who have their birthdays during this week choose to move the date outside of Lose-A Lonlo to be able to celebrate it. Even those who don't usuallt visit church for mass do it every day during these weeks.
Participants: Observed by those following The Prime Faith, but might not be as strictly followed by all.
Description: Lose-A Lonlo, meaning 14, is the 14 day long fast leading up to St Sachas. It is a time of reflection and prayer in honour of Prime.

St Sachas

Location: Worldwide
Date: Last day of Lose-A Lonlo, in the month of Greyset
Traditions: The last day of the fast ends with a large feast, and gifts are exchanged with friends and family. Large spires are constructed and decorated with lights to represent ascenscion to Paradise. Smaller spires are put up inside homes where presents are put in and around it. In smaller communities, the celebrations are often communal and priests of the faith visit homes to bless the families. Portraits and other smaller artworks in Sacha Delolenns likeness are common
Participants: Observed by all those following The Prime Faith.
Description: St. Sachas celebrates the first Legate Chosen: Saint Sacha Delolenn and also marks the end of the fast.


Location: Worldwide
Date: 18th-20th of Greyset
Traditions: A large feast with firends and family are held, where gifts are exchanged. Decorated spires can be seen in both private homes and out on the streets, and a lot of thought, and money, are put into gift-giving.
Participants: A widely popular holiday, it is very rare to not celebrate it at all.
Description: Orginally a Prime Faith holiday, Saches has evolved into its own holiday around the world, centred on decorating spires, feasting and exchanging gifts. Almost none of the original traditions are observed.

Maans Dance

Location: Worldwide
Date: Last day of Morkom
Traditions: Maans Dance is celebrated in the evening and night of the last day of the year, and participants stay up to greet the first day of Frosmeet together. Parties with music and other entertainment are often held in larger settlements and fireworks are lit to celebrate the glow of the moon. Having your fortune told for the year to come and making promises to achieve certain things are common.
Participants: The holiday is observed by all those who follow Denaryn belief and has been adapted to the rest of the world in the celebrations of Mandan.
Description: Maans Dance celebrations are centred around personal growth, divination and reflection, praying to Maan for all that one wants in the new year to come. The holiday pays tribute to Maan, the Goddess of the moon in the Denaryn pantheon.


Location: Worldwide
Date: Last day of Morkom
Traditions: Mandan is celebrated in the evening and night of the last day of the year, and participants stay up to greet the first day of Frosmeet together. Parties with music and other entertainment are often held in larger settlements and fireworks and light shows are held. Having your fortune told for the year to come and making promises to achieve certain things are common. Some regional variations exist, and many travel to visit major capitals this day to attend larger celebrations.
Participants: A widely popular holiday, it is very rare to not celebrate it at all.
Description: Originally a Denaryn celebration, Mandan is centred around personal growth and reflection. Most of the Denaryn traditions are observed.

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom