Seschenal Rank/Title in Rebia | World Anvil
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The Seschenal is a title given to the ruler of the Tolderan Theocracy and The Prime Faith.


The Seschenal must be blessed by a Denary deity, granted power or recognition in some other way from one of them.


Minimum 80 years of age. Notable work in service to the nation. Eldayr ancestry.


The appointed must find the design for their filigree carvings in deep meditation or dream, and communicates this to the carver. At appointment, atendees spill blood that is used to paint in the grooves of the plates, and on the skin of the appointed.


To rule the nation of Toldero and uphold peace with neighbouring nations and the Yatenn.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Elaborate filigree designs on plates. A replica of a historical spear.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom

Symbol of the Seschenal on a ceramic plate
Religious, Political
Form of Address
Seschenal -name-
Current Holders
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom