The Traůni̊s Seschenal Character in Rebia | World Anvil
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The Traůni̊s Seschenal

I'm sorry to say that this is one historical person I know just as little about as everyone else, and I don't like not knowing!
— Gallivanter
Not much is documented about the first Seschenal of Tolderan Theocracy. There is documentation that verifies the name and title of this person, being referred to as "Seschenal" and leader of the nation. His name, since we know they referred to themselves as he, is lost to time. He's called Traůni̊s, which roughly translates to mystery in Tolder language. Records are well kept in Toldero, which many interpret as this figure actually intending to stay rather anonymous.
The Traůni̊s Seschenal
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
A petroglyph believed to depict Traůni̊s

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom