Duchy of Abar Organization in Rebia | World Anvil
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Duchy of Abar

Abar is the smallest nation. Surrounded by mountains, it's long been protected from outside influence and conflict. It is located on the equator with temperatures ranging from -4° to 35°C. The unique placement gives Abar a large variation in biomes for its small size. Surrounding the capital of Abar the biomes are primarily hot desert and savanna. Closer to the mountains you'll find cold deserts, tundra, glaciers and grassland. The north offers taiga, temperate deciduous forests and tropical seasonal forests.  


On the day of the first full moon in the month of Paleight, The Abaree Diplomatic Ball is held. Government officials and nobles from the world are invited to mingle and converse.


The Duchess or Duke is the head of state, serving as the symbolic leader of the nation. There are separate judicial, legislative and executive branches.


Founded roughly 2500 BU, its larger settlements were erected with incredible speed thanks to magically enhanced construction. With the surrounding mountains as natural defences the Duchy of Abar still have many of its original buildings and sites standing. In contrast to the rest of the nobility of the world, the noble houses of Abar rarely engage in politics, instead focusing on contributing to the diplomacy and culture of society.

Demography and Population

The Ucella are the most common culture of Abar.

Foreign Relations

After the abaric expansion into Nar, The duchy became a semi-autonomous state, given freedom to govern Abar by the ruler of the Nar kingdom.

Trade & Transport

Import Export
  • largest exporter of gold, mohair and cashmere.


Abaree architecture is recognizable by its swirling decorations, thin high or large round windows and many floors.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Abaree clothing is an important part of duchy culture. Personal expression is important and how one defines that can of course vary. The common note is expensive fabrics and highly detailed frocks.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Lace, silk, embroidery and painted designs, often with large collars, hats and billowing colourful fabrics.


Military uniforms are just as decorated as the everyday fashion, taking inspiration from the noble families of Abar. Textiles in red and white, with metal armour adorned in gold.

Excellence in beauty

Duchy of Abar
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Founding Date
2504 BU
Alternative Names
Desert Jewel, Walled Sands, Land of Flight
Successor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Major Exports
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Precious Gems
  • Cashmere Wool
  • Mohair Wool
Major Imports
  • Wood
  • Grain
  • Textiles
  • Metal
  • Fruit
Legislative Body
The legislative branch is unicameral, consisting of 20 members. Nominees are selected by the people. Laws can't be vetoed by nobility, but the ministers often suggests changes or new rules for the legislative body to consider.
Judicial Body
There is only one judicial body in Abar, led by 4 Supreme judges. The jury members consist of people from noble families or other notable figures performing jury duty. For smaller matters, the provinces handle the matters themselves in a manner mimicking that of the capital.
Executive Body
The executive body is headed by ministers and divided in the following areas:
  • Riches
  • Culture
  • Magic
  • Divine
  • Relations
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Character flag image: by Public domain