Hauls Theocracy Organization in Rebia | World Anvil
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Hauls Theocracy

Hauls is located just south of the equator, with temperatures ranging from -3° to 24°C. The biomes in the southern isles are primarily wetland, and with the exception of the eastern Enthath Territory the majority of the land consists of temperate rainforests and temperate deciduous forests. The mountains of the eastern Entath Territory consists of taiga, grassland, cold deserts and glaciers.  


Independence day is celebrated in the month of Paleight on the 20th, in remembrance of Hauls independence from Bes. Fireworks, magic shows and festivals with song and dance are common.


God is recognized as the supreme ruling authority, giving divine guidance to intermediaries who manage the government's daily affairs. The Torchbearer is the highest rank in government, leading a group of Acolytes responsible for different areas.
  • Coin
  • Trade
  • Strength
  • Culture
  • Knowledge


In the year 120 BU, First holder Lato reached a peace treaty with Bes, ending Bes' occupation of Hauls and officially naming Hauls Theocracy as an independent nation. Hauls' borders used to reach further west into Givzie, but most of the land has been surrendered to The Emperor.

Demography and Population

Lothie, Gubal, Roand and Rulan are the most common cultures.

Trade & Transport

Import Export
  • Hauls is one of the largest exporters of plant fibres, shellfish and rice


Haulsian architecture is recognizable by its soft shapes, natural materials and incorporation of flowers and vegetation.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Haulsian clothing is a mixture of southern Givzie and Shalehal. The material choices differ, with Hauls preferring the use of raw fibres and colours.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Dried flowers, berries and woven dried vegetation are used just as much in fashion as in architecture.


Military uniforms incorporate a lot of wood and tree bark. Padded armour in linen and wool dyed in the nation's colours is common when stealth is not of import.

All is good to pure of hearts

Hauls Theocracy
Hauls Theocracy(yellow)
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Founding Date
120 BU
Alternative Names
Hauls, Marching light, Torches
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Major Exports
  • Plant fibre
  • Textiles
  • Berries
  • Paper
  • Rice
  • Shellfish
Major Imports
  • Livestock
  • Fruit
  • Gold
  • Precious Gems
Legislative Body
All laws are based on the Kindle of Grey core tenets of faith. The Torchbearer has the power to pass laws, but they are often written and sent for approval from other prominent religious leaders in the nation.
Judicial Body
Religious scholars with judicial responsibilities are present in all provinces, and the leaders of each province can either leave these duties entirely to the judicial body, or partake in the interpretation of the laws.
Executive Body
The Torchbearer heads the executive branch. They have the power to carry out laws and to appoint all other government officials.
Official State Religion
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Character flag image: by Public domain