
Slavalon is the realm of the untamed.

A vast infinite expanse of rolling hills, jagged peaks, arid deserts, dense forests, fog-ridden swamps, lush grasslands, and many more biomes to be found. All mortal life originates from this realm and the one who governs it. The Elder God Therion, the Beastly. Therion is the largest and most powerful out of The Nine, yet the kindest and gentlest. Therion was gifted the Seed of Life during the commencement and began experimenting.

Using the Seed of Life, Therion created many creatures. His first creations are the Titans of myth. Legends of enormous beasts that made their way to the worlds of Shometria and the very few settlements within Slavalon. Many embellishes were made in retellings of fateful encounters, however they all largely are based on true events. Eleven colossal beasts ranging in size from a small island to that of a continent.

It was only after the eleventh's creation did Therion realize he would not be able to control them all in unruly situations. The Titans would wander the lands of Slavalon. Occasionally coming upon small tribes of sentient mortals Therion created with input of other Governors. A tribe that had the unfortunate fate of falling in a Titan's path was assuredly devoured. If intercepted, Therion would be capable of fending off a Titan. However on the rare occasions where two Titan's crossed paths, things became more difficult. Even more so on the extraordinary occasions where Titans worked together.

As much as it pained him, Therion had to cease making enormous friends for the safety of his realm and the rest of those who reside there. This has not stopped him from creating stranger and unusual creatures. Only now they are limited to a more manageable size. These creatures freely roam and inhabit the lands of Slavalon. Creating a true wild that none have been able to tame or settle.

Not that it hasn't been attempted. The infinite expanse of Slavalon brings forth environmental similarities between itself and worlds within Shometria. These similarities are natural doors between realms. Many are small, such as an open knot in a tree trunk, where only the smallest of creatures can make their way through. While others are larger, allowing for humanoids or even beasts to pass through.

This is how many of the Shometrian worlds became inhabited. Mortals from Slavalon, be it Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, or any of the multitude of other sentient mortals, found these similarities and ventured through. Often finding similar yet safer locales they could call home. Few times these mortals were happened upon by ambitious Aephotorans looking to be worshipped as Gods. The Aephotorans would bring groups of mortals to Shometrian worlds as a way to save and indebt them. Giving the Aephotorans a near constantly growing following of worshipers.

In addition to mortals, wild magical beasts have seldom come upon similarities. Venturing forth to find ripe unsuspecting food, animals and people alike. These beasts have proven to be desirable trophies for bold hunters. Some hunters even tracking the beasts back to the similarities themselves. This is how the Lone City came to be. A group of hunters unknowingly began tracking a hippogriff that had wandered through on such similarity. The hunters slew the beast but as they inspected the area one found a passageway to Slavalon. Slowly the hunters brought more and more people to and through the similarity. Eventually starting a settlement in the plains of Slavalon. This settlement grew over time. Learning and reinforcing its defenses after attempted raids by monstrous creatures.

The Lone City stands tall and strong over the flat plains. It has grown to the point where energetic young folk have begun embarking on expeditions to map the surrounding lands while also bringing home trophies of the monsters they slew. Many such trophies have proven to contain remnant magic. Magic which smiths and crafters have been able to utilize, creating powerful tools and weapons that have spread throughout the universe. Tools that often find their way back to Shometrian worlds the people of the Lone City had left so long ago.
Plane of Existence
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Ruling/Owning Rank

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