The Lone City of Slavalon

In the realm where feral ferocity is everpresent, many settlements establish themselves only to quickly come to ruin. That is all, save for the Lone City. The many colonies inevitably hit a moment in their youth where it gathers the attention of a hungry animal or a pack of animals. Drawn by the commotion, sounds, and smells, these creatures would raid the settlements, stealing resources and damaging foundations. The larger the colonies got, the more dangerous creatures it drew. The Lone City had one such moment. A pack of hippogriffs sought the livestock and instead of fighting, the founders quelled the beasts' temper and tamed them. Not too long after Therion came upon the small settlement. Intrigued and impressed by the mortals abilities to tame the wild, he pledged to aid and defend the encampment so long as it is a welcoming home for all sentients. The mortals graciously accepted Therion's protection and continued to build the settlement. The city grew and rumors of it spread throughout the lands. Leading to many kinds of people flocking to LC. As the population grew, so did the attention LC gathered but whenever a creature set its hungry eyes on the resources or inhabitants, Therion stepped in to send the beast back into the wild.   The city spans roughly 1,000 square miles and has subsequently been divided into districts. The city is watched over by the elder god and governor of the realm, Therion. While in the city, his presence deters wild creatures from attacking. While Therion, or Terry as many call him, is a welcomed and respected consultant for the governing body, he does not have much say in how things are run. Instead that is left to the sentient mortals residing in LC. The center of the city stands a tall tower reaching high into the sky. Standing just over 5,000 feet tall, the tower serves as a multipurpose structure. The bottom few floors serve as government service access points. Places where people or businesses can submit any necessary forms to operate within the city. The next few floors maintain low-level government operations, with the top few floors maintaining high level operations. The floors between offer housing for the displaced. Any entity who has lost their home or shelter is considered a displaced, and can seek refuge at the city tower. Upon arriving, displaced go through a quick process and receive a room until they can find a place of their own in the city. The governmental operations maintain the establishments between districts, while each district largely maintains itself.   LC has become a metropolis for Slavalon. Developing neighborhoods, roads, city services, and business, all so that the Lone City could be a safe haven for sentient mortals. The metropolis has become a huge multiplanar hub over time. As the city grew, its residents became more knowledgeable and eventually discovered how to open doorways throughout the planes of existence. Wizards and arcane inventors harnessed this magic to create waystones. An enchanted object that, when muttered a phrase of power, opens a doorway or portal to a bound destination. The portal can vary in size but typically allows for an average sized humanoid to pass through. This breakthrough led to businesses outsourcing production by making use of waystones to make for easy transportation of goods. Businesses are often required by the local government to activate waystones in specific areas. These areas serve as security checkpoints where city servicers verify the import and claim the city's tax.   The use of waystones, or any doorway, is primarily prohibited within city limits. Except for specified areas. Businesses can apply for doorway permits, however publicly people can use waystones at any gate. Throughout LC are courtyard parks where small gated sections of land are setup specifically for people to use waystones and leave the city. These gates and courtyards are large social centers in LC. Each courtyard containing a pedestal bound to the different courtyards and gates in the city wall. Many guilds make use of these courtyards to trade goods, deal with other parts of the city, or send adventurers off on jobs. Taverns, inns, and other merchant stores and stalls surround the courtyards creating residential neighborhoods between courtyards and merchants.   Seventeen districts of varying sizes surround the central tower. Each district providing safety from the wild. This haven has given way for the creation of businesses, which many provide worthwhile donations back to their district centers as a showing of gratitude. The districts then use these funds to maintain the city infrastructure. The many businesses provide goods for the citizens. Ranging from housing, food, equipment, arts and more. If someone is looking for something, many start their search in the Lone City.


There are roughly 50,000,000 automonomous entities that reside in the Lone City and have claim of a residential address. There are roughly another 10 or so million entities that call LC home but wander the streets without a their own private place of residence; these entities are often called displaced by the LCers. About three quarters of the displaced have undergone the rite of haven to have residence in the Lone Tower.   The Lone City developed as a haven for any and all sentient mortal that desired safety. As such, many different races of creatures have migrated to the Lone City over the years. It has been difficult to take accurate census of the population. However it is widely accepted that the racial population is close to evenly distributed. Many walks of life call LC home: from humans, elves, dwarves, drakkic, and orcs, to amphibians, avians, plasmoids, and many more have found subcultures and communities to join. Bringing an incredibly diverse, the most infact, land to the verse.  
The majority of the populace are fairly well off. Those that claim residence live comfortably. Able to provide for theirself and families by working in one of the many businesses in LC. The wealthiest tend to be business owners or district leaders, many of which are often both. The poorest of Valonites are the displaced. Wanderers who have come to the Lone City either by choice or necessity. Often they have nothing but that what they carry on their person. While the displaced don't make up a majority, they are often the most common individual found in the main thoroughfares. As many of the displaced are adventurers passing through the city or in search of taverns while between jobs.
~50,000,000 autonomous entities
Inhabitant Demonym
Accepted: Valonite, Valonian, Loner, Displaced. Derogatory: Slav, Savage, Feral
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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