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History of Reconstruction

Before Treaty of Coruscant

1 1347

  • approx. 298 BTC
    Death of Revan
    Life, Death

  • 44 BTC
    Satele Shan Born
    Life, Birth
  • 38 BTC
    Tasiele Shan Exiled
    Life, Relocation
  • 20 BTC
    Sibat Bayaon’ina Born
    Life, Birth
  • 28 BTC
    Kao Cen Darach Killed
    Life, Death

  • 28 BTC
    Korriban Retaken
    Military action

    Sith Empire revealed to the Republic.

  • 28 BTC
    Ngani Zho takes Satele Shan as his Padawan
    Life, Education

    After the death of her Master, Kao Cen Darach, Senior Padawan Satele Shan is taken in by Master Ngani Zho, who finishes her training.

  • 28-0 BTC
    Great Galactic War
    Military: War

  • 28 BTC
    Qet taken as apprentice by Vowrawn
    Life, Career
  • 14-12 BTC
    Shan & Malcolm Affair
    Life, Relationship change

  • 15 BTC
    Dread Masters captured
    Military: Skirmish

  • 14 BTC
    Alderaan Campaign
    Military: Battle

  • 11 BTC
    Theron Shan Born
    Life, Birth
  • 9 BTC
    Felix Iresso Born
    Life, Birth
  • 8 BTC
    Brider Surriss Born
    Life, Birth
  • 4 BTC
    Ardun Kothe resigns from Jedi Order
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 0 BTC
    Sacking of Coruscant
    Military: Battle

    Jedi Temple destroyed.  Coruscant's infrastructure damaged.

  • 0 BTC
    Treaty of Coruscant Signed
    Diplomatic action

After Treaty of Coruscant

1348 1370

  • 0-12 ATC
    Cold War
    Military: War

  • 1 ATC
    Theron Shan leaves Jedi custody
    Life, Identity
  • 2 ATC
    Rediscovery of Tython
    Discovery, Exploration

  • 2 ATC
    Tython Jedi Temple construction begun
    Construction beginning/end

  • 8 ATC
    Atthilike taken as Zash's apprentice
    Life, Career

  • 9 ATC
    Baras attempts to assassinate Vowrawn
    Criminal Activity

  • 9 ATC
    Brider Surriss arrives on Tython
    Life, Career
  • 9 ATC
    Miurani'sanewso defects to the Republic
    Life, Organisation Association
  • 11 ATC
    Republic-Killik alliance
    Diplomatic action

  • 11 ATC
    Praven becomes a Jedi
    Life, Organisation Association

  • 10 ATC
    Republic opens negotiations with Chiss Ascendancy
    Diplomatic action

  • 12-17 ATC
    Galactic War
    Military: War

  • 13 ATC
    Syo Bakarn - medical leave
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Medical observation after a nasty presumed seizure; it's touch-and-go whether he'll be able to coordinate Corellia's defences as planned.

  • 13 ATC
    Battle of Corellia
    Military: Battle

    Coronet City devastated. Republic's Guardian Holds fall then are retaken. Children of the Emperor unmasked. Master Syo Bakarn "killed". 1/4 of Dark Council killed. Wrath first allies with Vowrawn.

  • 15 ATC
    Tython Jedi Temple completed
    Construction beginning/end