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Light Infantry

These are skirmishers and missile users, scouts and foragers. They are often used as a skirmishing screen ahead of the main army.

To determine the unit weapons, pick one set or roll 1D6:
1d6 Unit Weapons
1–2 Sling, 1H Weapon (pick type), Small Shield.
3–4 Javelin, 1H Weapon (pick type), Medium Shield.
5 Self Bow, 1H Weapon (pick type), Medium Shield.
6 Throwing Axe, 1H Weapon (pick type), Medium Shield.
Homelands: Esrolia, Sartar, Old Tarsh, Lunar Tarsh.

Occupational Skills: Battle +30%, Hide +10%, First Aid +15%, Move Quietly +10%, Survival +10%, All Unit Weapons (including shield) +25%, Listen +10%, Other Weapon (pick type) +25%, Scan +10%.

Standard of Living: Free.

Base Income: 60 L.

Cults: Babeester Gor, Humakt, Maran Gor, Orlanth Adventurous, Orlanth Thunderous, Storm Bull.

Favored Passions: Honor, Loyalty (Leader) or Loyalty (Unit).

Ransom: 500 L.

Equipment: Linothorax (3 pts. protection), cuirboilli greaves and vambraces (3 pts. protection), composite helm (3 pts. protection), appropriate weapons, 1D3 distinctive scars, sleeping roll, good clothing, war booty worth 2×D100 L.

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Profession | Sep 5, 2024

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