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Newtlings are a race like dragonewts and thought to be related to them. However, the connection is remote, as the species is primarily amphibian rather than reptilian, storing water in their tails for use in dry territory. They do not have a reincarnating cycle like the dragonewts but grow from huge tadpoles to sexless “bachelors” and return to their villages to breed. Almost all contact will be with bachelor newtlings.

However, they are very like a crested dragonewt in stature and can be mistaken for one at a distance.

Mythos and History: Newtlings say they were born in the primal mud of Creation and have lived there ever since despite the general hardening of the earth and cooling of the air.

Subtypes: Newtling young are like giant tadpoles, requiring submersion in water to survive. Bachelors are bipedal and tailed with bulging eyes and faces like a frog. Adults, found only in their homeland marshes, are similar but less robust. The adults also possess various sexual characteristics of interest only to other adult newtlings.

Description: The bachelor stage is a sexually immature stage in which both sexes spend the next 30 years of their lives. The bachelor is terrestrial, has a thick, rough skin, is dark brown with yellow spots, and stores water in the fat of its large tail for travel.

After about 30 years of bachelorhood, the newtling gets an urge to return to the homeland (if they left it). The transitional period lasts for about a year and any newtling that does not return to the water by the end of this time is doomed. This is the third stage of newtling life; with sexual maturity is lost the ability to withstand drying. The skin becomes soft, smooth, and porous; the tail becomes smaller and can no longer store water (though it is better fit for swimming and the color changes to a golden brown with orange spots.

Culture: Adult newtling culture centers around the raising of the tadpoles. It is not materialistic and honors survival over truth. The bachelors are often imbued with great curiosity and a desire to travel and see the world before they reach adulthood.

Government: Government is centered around the fertile adults who act as elders and provide leadership, inspiration, and protection for the young.

Relations with Other Races: Newtlings are sometimes used as slaves by dragonewts, which they do not seem to mind. They are generally shy and fearful, especially of the humans who often chop off their tails as food.

Religion: Ancestor worship (like the cult of Daka Fal).

Region of Origin: Most newtlings originate in the New Fens of Maniria in southern Genertela. Most rivers or swamps can support newtlings.

These statistics are for bachelors, which both range further and are met more often than the rare mature adults. Adults have a CON of 2D6 and receive a bonus of +50% to Communication skills when communicating with other newtlings.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Triturus sapiens
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