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Rightarm Islands

The Islands

The Greater Archipelago is sometimes called the Rightarm Islands, or simply the Islands. Here are several dozen spots of land which change radically in size according to the tides. Most are covered with salt marshes with twisted channels capable of changing weekly. The islands are protected by fierce giant cranes that stand some thirty feet tall and are worshiped by the local inhabitants.

The residents are mostly fishermen who ply the coast and the bay for their livelihood. They work closely with the native Triolini, who are the larger part of the populace, but who never leave the water. To humans, the sailors are the more evident, and many think of the islands as being ruled by the human admirals rather than by the merchief who actually rules from beneath the Troll Channel.

Government of the dry spots (the islands) is controlled by the Triolini. The fishermen are dependent on the good will of the sea folk for their survival and hold no grudge for this form of rulership. A single High Admiral of the Boats is appointed over all Legged Folk by the mer-chief, and the God-King made this admiral commander of his naval fleet.

Cults worshiped throughout the island begin with Choralinthor, who lives beneath the waters and often visits his beloved, and Pelaskos the Fisher. Also worshiped are Diros, God of Boats; Dormal the Sailor, who Opened the Seas; Golad, the God of Fish; and Magasta, greatest of all sea gods.

Seapolis is their major settlement, numbering about 4,000 residents of mixed human and Triolini.

The Islanders were greatly enriched by Belintar and by the Opening of the Seas. This land was the earliest nation to befriend Belintar and he originally climbed from the ocean to the Rightarm Island of Sindpaper. The triremes of the Holy Country navy were piloted and manned largely by Islander crews. However, the demise of Belintar has been disastrous for the Islanders. The Holy Country navy was destroyed by Wolf Pirates in 1616 and the Islands have since suffered terribly from Wolf Pirate raids.

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