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Elves, while seeming of mortal flesh much like Human , hail from the Alfheim and are not as most things are in Midgard .   Elves live for centuries; they may be immortal for they do not age as humans do.  Though they are born and grow, granted as a slightly slowed rate to humans, their development takes decades; mastering the mental disciplines required to operate as a creature of the Alfheim within the mortal world.  Their interactions with magic are ephemeral, their own magic seeming at once unreal and real, a thing of the mind, and yet sometimes all too real.   Elves seem to have a connection with the natural world.  This extends from their nature in the Alfheim, where-in they are directly connected to the land, in some ways an extension of it.  Outside of the Alfheim there is often a feeling of loss or separation that is eased by connection to the world; especially through plants and earth.  Area's tended by Elves tend to be supernaturally beautiful, but to have a feel different from 'wild' nature, despite often resembling it.   Elves that are encountered in Midgard seem to be of two general types; either those who have been exiled from the Alfheim for some transgression, or wandering explorers who enjoy the experience of being among the 'mortal' races.   Elves are physically more slender and with sharper features than most humans, varying from 'almost human' into 'slightly unnatural'.  Their faces tend to be long and sharp, especially their chins and cheek-bones, and this is extentuated by their most notable feature, their long, sharply pointed ears.  Their hair colour tends through a spectrum of whites, silver, blondes, Reds and lighter Brunettes.  Their eye colours are myriad; Green, Blue and Grey are the most common, but Hazel, Lavender, Purple are all possibilities as well.


ability score increase: +2 Dexterity
Size: Medium
speed: 30ft
Languages: A Human Language of Your Choice and Elven.
race features:
Darkvision  You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.  You can't discern colour in darkness.   Keen Senses  You have proficiency in the Perception skill   Fey Ancestry  You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.   Trance Elves do not need to sleep.  Instead they meditate deeply for about four hours.  Gaining all the benefits one would from Eight Hours of sleep
Genetic Descendants
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