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Humans are by far the most populace of the Peoples of Midgard .  Spreading from the remnants of the Southern Empire through the far north of The Veld , from The Far Islands , to the Mysterious Yellow Isles of the east, Humanity is everywhere.   Humans have a wide range of physical appearances; Skin colours that range in Hues from Pale White, through various shades of Tan, Ruddy, Brown and Copperish.  Likewise Hair in colours of Blonde, Brown, Red, Black and White.  Eyes of Brown, Blue, Hazel, Green or Grey.  Both males and Females possess body hair, though Men tend to be more Hirsuit and can grow Beards.  Males are physically larger then females, though body size and shape is highly variable as well.  Generalities exist along certain ethnic lines, but Humans are simply a highly variable race.   They are also the most pious of the Races of Midgard.  Besides worship of the gods of the Aesir and Vanir , they have spawned a number of other religious and religious movements and all produce their share of Holy Figures, resplendent with supernatural powers.


Ability Score Increase +1 to any two ability scores of your choice
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Skills. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice
Feat. You gain one feat of your choice

Languages. Your indigenous language and one other of choice.

Genetic Descendants
Related Ethnicities


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