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Jarl Canute

Jarl Canute Egilson (a.k.a. The Wise, The Reckless)

Canute is an old king with children and grand-children. In his time he was a powerful king, a great warrior and a cunning strategist. As a young King he was called ‘Canute the Reckless’ for his fearless charges into battle and his daring strategies in battle. Age has made him ‘Canute the Wise’, both for his ability to reach compromises that leave both people feeling satisfied and his deft handling of other lords.   He worries now at the succession when he is gone, and whether any of his three surviving sons will be powerful enough to hold onto the gains of the throne and more importantly rule well. He see’s Jarl Magnus as a grave threat to be opposed, but fears the other Kings are too taken in their own interests to unite against a common enemy.

Personality Characteristics


Where once he was motivated, as man young Jarl's are, for Glory in Battle, Lust for Treasure, and to expand his lands, years and experience have creeped much into Canute's thoughts.  Now he seeks to avoid the turmoil that plagued his own rise to power and would threaten to undo all he has done for his people.  He wishes his legacy as 'The Wise' to endure beyond his death, and for him to be able to stand in Valhalla before Odin with Pride.


Contacts & Relations

He Borders Jarl Hakan with whom he has had some conflict, the young Jarl wanting to stretch his wings. Canute hasn’t confronted Magnus directly but stands opposed to him. All the other kings, and some of the Dwarven Clans he borders, have varying degrees of cordial relations.
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
173 AF 67 Years old
Dark blue
A Once Vibrant Blonde, now mostly faded into white, especially his beard.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered and Ruddy


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